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Posts posted by Valendale

  1. OOC: Understandable. I check this everyday even if I don't post though. Just go ahead.


    IC: Roy White


    It appeared that he was already too late. He sent out a radio to any who might be listening. "I'm in the village off bridge J-16...and we got...uh...Condition" He stomped out a few fires with his mech before getting out to look for anything that might be left.

  2. IC:As the Rammers approached, the gates on the robots' side of the mountain opened with the quiet whine of motors. The Rammers went through first, slipping into their home territory one more, behind the safety of the walls. The Sentries went next, walking slowly through while the Vernichten hovered in the air, watching for any approaching foes. Seeing none by the time the Sentries crossed over, he descended to bridge-level and passed through the gate.Behind him, the metal passage clanged shut, sealing their captives' fate.


    OOC: I was kinda down there...

  3. Since yesterday, text on several pages has been showing up much smaller for me. Namely the front page and board index pages. Is this a new change or is it something on my end?

  4. IC: Roy White


    The sounds of battle were coming from Techni Bridge again. It was sooner than usual, but he didn't question it. He never did. After all, weren't their bigger questions out there than "Why are the robots attacking us?" As he looked around at the beautiful mountain landscape, he noticed something was off. A gate on a bridge below his had been completely destroyed.


    He quickly filled up a quart of water and climbed into The Glacier. With it, he jumped to the bridge, preparing to find the cause of this destruction.

  5. IC: Roy


    Now that the robots had found out about his little shortcut, Roy was back to using the paths on his side of the mountain. But that would be another day. His presence would not be needed for the current conflict. After all, he was an engineer first, and a pilot second.


    OOC: I'm gonna be away from my computer for a week, so I just wanted him out of any immediate "stuff".

  6. OOC: I just meant it to be some random cave, sorry about that.


    IC: Roy


    Raising his shield, Roy slowly backed the Glacier out.


    "Sorry, but I'm gonna have to cancel that. Looks like I'm occupied here."

  7. IC: Roy


    He figured it would get cluttered fast up there, so he took a different route: A passage on the robot side. It was empty today. Any robots in there had probably been summoned to battle. He sent out a radio.


    "I'm coming up behind them."

  8. IC: Roy


    It was a dark day, and that usually meant a cool one. He decided it wouldn't be too much trouble to go outside. Then he heard the steps. "Of course. Can't have a nice day without getting invaded" The Glacier was where it always was, and he got ready for anything that might make it's way down there.

  9. Name: Roy WhiteGender: Male

    Age: 28Species: HumanAppearance: Black hair, very large, wears a blue and white suit to match his mech.

    Personality: Values intelligence in others. Isn't seen at the Fortress very much, mainly defends his own home, located at the end of a smaller bridge. His training routine consists of ramming into walls, sitting under waterfalls and jumping off buildings. Frequently complains about the heat. Most of his strategies are defensive.

    Skill(s): Smart, limber for his size, high pain tolerance, good at creating mechs and other technology...Weakness(es): ...but not so good at piloting them. He moves very slowly both on foot and in mech. In fact, he won't move his mech more than he has to. Doesn't handle high temperatures well.

    Bio: Once created a robot named Sapphire. When she rebelled along with the others, Roy deactivated her. She is somewhere unknown, and Roy hopes to get to her before the other robots do. He was willing to create battle machines for the Exo-Force, but didn't expect to find himself piloting one. Mech:Designation: The Glacier

    Type: SupernovaEquipment: Right hand holds a large shield. Left has a claw like the Grand Titan's. Inside this claw is a laser that uses the panels for power. Has two missiles on the chest, but these are for emergencies only.Appearance: A Supernova that is white and blue instead of the usual yellow and red.

    Notes: Stands outside his house to prevent other mechs from getting too close.

  10. I'm not sure what type, though. I'd been working on this for a while before the contest was announced. I did have to make a few minor alteration after reading the rules. (Mainly removal of a rider)


    Side View


    Front View




    Encounter with a natural predator


    gallery when public


    These aren't the best pictures, and I feel like I may lose because of that. However, they are better than the originals, which you will find in the gallery.


    I think this turned out good and skeletal, just like I wanted. Except for the legs. After about 10 designs there, I just quit and entered.

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