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Miriku Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Miriku Nuva

  1. Imma doing some of my own memorization and helping my parents make turon. xD

  2. *poke* Heyla, L-chan! What's up?

  3. Okiday. If I can't find them, I'll ask for the link. ^^

  4. xD Okay! I'll go look for more episodes! ^^

  5. ...okay, wait a second. There's no way that it's only episode 3. No way in H-E-double-toothpicks. o.o;;;

  6. o.o ...srsly?

    I'm not very far. Suzaku and Lelouch just finished chasing that crazy cat all over the school to get the Zero helmet back. xD

  7. Already in progress, TYVM, with accompanying slash-fic ideas spiraling along with it. >>

  8. RPs are just as good as 'real' games, most of the time...

    And TTGL is on my "To Watch" list...which is steadily getting longer...

  9. The intrawebz is amazing. It hosts BZPower and other amazing sites. xD

  10. Hmm. You have a very good point. You can't play Morrowind OR Oblivion on the intrawebz...

  11. ...this is true. ALL HAIL THE INTRAWEBZ.

  12. EXACTLY!

    (...the real world is going to murder me. But screw the real world, I'm having fun!)

  13. Lawl. But I love my cards more than I do my room, so whatever. xD; Children's card games, FTW!

  14. Well, I'm really weird about that sort of thing. Some things I can't stand to have "organized" (for example, MY ROOM), but other things I'm anal-retentive about (like my cards). >>;;;

  15. I have these two enormous binders full of cards...and whole stacks of them that still need sorting...xD;;;

  16. Tch. I know that feeling. If nobody plays the game, why bother having a deck at all? Even now, I'm still a YGO collector at heart, even though I duel a little--because generally, there's nobody to duel.

  17. My mom gets that way with my cards... I can't help it, I love my TCGs. >>;;;

  18. D: *impatient*

    Oh well...guess I haven't really got anywhere to put them, anyway...

  19. ^^;

    BTW, I has a question. Do you know where I can find sets that are affordable?

  20. Ah did? o.o;;;

    OWAIT, looks like ah did...that's weird...

  21. Ohhh. Yano, that would make sense.

  22. Ohhh. Yano, that would make sense.

  23. *giggles* I don't even know who the guy is, but yes. They ARE funny. XD

    ...how did you know I was looking at them? o.o

  24. This is true. But Judai will always be one of my favorite characters. If nothing else, because he's just like me. xD

    (For the first three seasons, anyway. Fourth season, not so much. >>)

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