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Miriku Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Miriku Nuva

  1. HOSNAP.

    That makes two people who even recognized it. 8D


    ...*shot for obsessiveness* xD;;;

  2. Okay, okay! Shutting up now. ^^;

  3. If you say so. >>;;;

  4. BTW, d'you mind if I add you as an AIM buddy? ^^;

  5. I've probably missed a couple episodes, but whatevs. xD; And by "fell through", I mean "all my helpers abandoned me and now I can't do the show because I have no way to get episodes or do all the voices". >>;;;

  6. I've probably missed a couple episodes, but whatevs. xD; And by "fell through", I mean "all my helpers abandoned me and now I can't do the show because I have no way to get episodes or do all the voices". >>;;;

  7. You can't POSSIBLY call yourself a true YuGiOh fan if you haven't watched at least three episodes of TAS!

    I was actually gonna create a GX Abridged Series, too. A GOOD one. It fell through, though. ;_;

  8. Indeed ah do, my friend! Indeed ah do! *pats her deck* It's superspecialawesome! 8DDD

  9. Embarrased because someone put a banner that says "Miriku Is Awesomer Than I" in her sig. And yes, I find lots of places to post. This site is so COOL!

  10. Then the awesomeness must have bled out from being on an awesome forum with awesome people. Srsly, you guys are all so nice. I was pleasently surprised. xD

  11. Really? You like? 8D *pats her collection of random Judai icons*

  12. Nou, is just really weird seeing my name blared from another person's sig. xD;

    (In case you hadn't already noticed, I'm not used to a whole lot of attention. I generally end up blending quietly, and it's weird when people single me out. >>;;; )

  13. Whoo, I'm a Toa now! One hundred posts! *dances* xD

  14. ...*hides under a rock* >>;;;;;

  15. I'm getting embarrased to death. ._.;;;


  16. Ohmigawd. You're not seriously gonna do it, are you? o_o;;; *not exactly used to being lauded for much of anything*

  17. Don't you dare, or I'll have to stabbity you in yer sleep.

    Srsly. *NINJA*

  18. Well, so do I, so we're even. :P

  19. Whoo! Compromise! xD

  20. *pokes the online indicator* I seeeeeeee yoooooooou...

  21. ...why don't we both admit that we're equally awesome and call it a day? ^^

  22. Well, I guess you could say that I'm not new to roleplaying, per se...just Bionicle roleplaying. And besides, the very fact that you're willing to try to convince someone that they're more awesome than you makes you SUPERSPECIALAWESOME.

  23. Y HULO THAR. ^^

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