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Miriku Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Miriku Nuva

  1. I've been here for, what, a week? Two weeks? >>; And besides, you're MADE of awesome, so yeah. You can't beat that. >>

  2. There is no way a noob could come anywhere close to outclassing you. >>;

  3. Ah. That makes sense. xDDD; You're pretty awesome yerself.

  4. ...I am? Wait, whut? o.o;;; What spawned this?

  5. ZOMG, I see a Soujiro in your pic. 8D

    Okay, now for the reason I'm commenting in the first place. Is that the Lancelot on the banner in your sig?

  6. Hosnap. That's not a Balrog on your avi/personal pic, is it? xD

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhh.

    I knew that. >>

    Sorry about that. Didn't realize it was such a rare occurence. I love talking/writing in chute-speak...I need more Le-Matoran and Le-Toa...xD

  8. Indeed I have. You are now L-chan. Which I will explain to you some other time. xD

    As for my Halloween...well, it sucked. I had to stay home, because my parents were going to a party and my little brother didn't want to go trick-or-treating. :/

  9. Yo, L-chan! How was your Halloween? ^^

  10. Thanks a million. Methinks I'll run around and bug people until I get settled, and then go join more RPs. xDDD

  11. Thanks muchly for the greet, and for letting me into Fracture. I'm beginning to think I'll have loads of fun around here. ^^

  12. Hel-looooo, person! I knew all I had to do was wait around a little and you'd come find me! xDDD

    You know who I am. You just don't know it yet. >>

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