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Miriku Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Miriku Nuva

  1. How could I forget about my bestest friend? :3 *giggles* xD

  2. *poke* Hello, random person. My TWEWY senses are tingling. >>

  3. *pokepoke* L-chaaaaaaaan~! I missed you yesterday and Thursday...

  4. xD Yaaaaaay, cookies!

  5. *waves* H'lo! I don't know you, but I know your sister, so I figured I'd drop by and say hi anyway. ;P

  6. Meh. It's...school. *shrugs* I don't particularly care for it, but I don't MIND it either, so whatevs.

  7. Of course you can! ;D *nibbles on his mask* There you go!

  8. Heehee~! By the way, I'm not gonna be munching on masks at the party, am I? That would be kinda mean. :/ Maybe Inferna-san could bake me some Kanohi-shaped cookies...xD

  9. Hallo, Hewkii-san! *waves* Figured I'd drop by and say hi, even though I'm not technically your friend...oh well, the more the merrier, right? ^^

  10. Well, it's a true quote, innit? I really liked it. ^^;

  11. But I'm not. Really. The only awesomeness I might possibly have comes from being around people who are awesome by themselves. Like you. >>;;;

  12. Nyaaah. o.o;;; How in Karzahni's name do I end up on the friends list of the amazing and maybe slightly scary Inferna-san?

  13. Fwuuuh? I've been waiting for the other people in the heist to post...did I miss something?

  14. How did I manage this? xD

  15. No you don't. Trust me, you don't. It's not pretty. >>

  16. Butbutbut. I can't bake. Or cook. I burn things on accident. Like water. D:

  17. By the way, welcome to BZPower. Hope you have fun here. I've been here a month, and I'm already having loads of fun. ^^

  18. MMORPG is short for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Play Game. Think World of Warcraft, Runescape, Maple Story...

  19. Perception is good. That way you can be the first to figure out that something's wrong when VRIS starts imitating Munki's voice... "LIES! ALL LIES!"

    ...BTW, I just found out that there's going to be a KotOR MMO. 8DDD

  20. There's a KotOR MMO? O_O

  21. I've been practicing little movements that aren't dramatically obvious, but will make the cloak swirl in a dramatically obvious fashion. ^^

  22. Umm...*still has a ways to go* xD;;; BZP SHALL WAIT. I HAVE MEMORIZING TO DO!

  23. Srsly? =O *has been wanting to launch a grenade for some time now*

  24. Yeah...for a while. I don't know why, exactly, but she said she had a lot of stuff going on, and that if she doesn't come back in a few days, don't expect her back for a long time...

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