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Toa Spirit

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Everything posted by Toa Spirit

  1. Toa Spirit

    Ask Sumiki

    Favorite song? Least favorite? Favorite color? Least favorite?
  2. Toa Spirit


    LIESandSlandER is cooler because it could be Lies and or Lie Sand.
  3. You sir, are a legend I'll put that up in the morning Thanks
  4. Toa Spirit


    How about I go review Wings and you go review mine? Deal? Anywho, back on topic, it's a cool name.
  5. *is still waiting for SoG review* :P

  6. Toa Spirit

    Blog Theme

  7. Toa Spirit

    Ask Shadix

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood and that woodchuck was Chuck Norris? Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one? Is there another word for synonym? Fishmonger?
  8. I'm in England. I wonder how long it would of taken to reach me if I'd won...
  9. Toa Spirit

    Ask Sumiki

    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood and if that woodchuck was chuck Norris?
  10. Your PM box is full, so I'll say it here.

    TTV does look cool and such, but I forgot about it completely.

    The thing is last time I checked they were way long - how long are the latest?

    And do you have an on line player for the casts like with iBZP?

  11. You guys need dynamic levels where it moves (like Mushroomy Kingdom) or where things happen (hazards in stages like on brawl). Yours are all a bit flat.
  12. How do the ECC do it? That's invite only.
  13. Toa Spirit


    If you do it in bold what do you do if you want something in bold? YE CANNOT DOOBLE BOLD LASSIE
  14. Toa Spirit


    I have that windbrake!
  15. Toa Spirit

    Four Years

    Join the club. It's just... wierd.
  16. Yeah, and I just noticed your Spaceman Spiff topic. Good stuff.

  17. Toa Spirit

    It's A Girl :)

    Congratulations on being a dad! I hope she has a wonderful future ahead of her
  18. Toa Spirit


    XL is bigger and less likely to fit in your pocket and the games will be stretched. Get a DSLite, it's older so probably cheaper and just does what it says on the tin (Ok, there's pictochat) so none of all the gimmicky rubbish other things.
  19. Toa Spirit


    It's cool, I've got it.
  20. Toa Spirit

    I Have No Life

    I count zero Zver are zey?!
  21. Toa Spirit


    And that was the end of Zaki....
  22. Toa Spirit

    A Good Sign

    OH YEAH Mines just boring and forgets stuff.
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