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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Chunky!

  1. Chunky!

    Guess What I Has

    Why you be buying American cars?
  2. So, ya. My friend's mom waited in line for an hour (she was at the front.) In exchange for driving her son there, we got to be in the front. P.S. I'm high-risk.
  3. Well, like I said, I didn't want to miss rehearsal. Feel free to guess why that is. XD You're a drama nerd? I kid, I kid. Smart choice. I never really liked that Phil guy anyways. Is he even a real doctor?
  4. *coughicetoaismakingabigdealoutofthiscough* Pardon me.
  5. HEY I KNOW YOU!!! You're that guy on BZPower! You look exactly like my old friend.
  6. I might see it/rent it. Though Michael Jackson is great, (I can do the moonwalk ) I'm not sure if I'll see it.
  7. Chunky!

    Got Borderlands

    Well, I just got TF2 sooooo...
  8. For PC. It's addictive. But I'm kinda busy playing TF2. :?
  9. Chunky!


    Gunmetal and lime-green.
  10. You are the Master of Topic Making!

  11. I hope that fit without having to be Spunky Punky Funk... What is the limit for that anyways? Maybe Funky Chunky!
  12. I might take some suggestions, but I thinking of changing it to "Dr. Spice." YAY OR NAY
  13. Chunky!

    Bbcc 56

    I was just kiddin'. I knew that you weren't supposed to make red and blue pin monstrsity.
  14. Chunky!

    Bbcc 56

    This one is going to take a toll on my eyes.
  15. Chunky!


  16. So, you're the tall kid in Tuesday's episode about drug addiction? I asked this since I just went over to the Dr. Phil site and saw a preview for Tuesday episode that was about drug addiction, which was only one I saw that fits the situation, you describe. Then again, it is probably not airing this week, so the preview was probably about someone else, but I thought it was worth asking just to be sure. No, I don't think Nuju was the tall kid in the preview. He said he was the best-case scenario after taking the meds. I think he's in the episode but not that guy. Nuju can clear it up soon anyways.
  17. Chunky!

    Blog Views

    Your so close to becoming orange - I mean brownish orange - I mean dark orange - I mean burnt orange.
  18. Congrats on your promotion!

  19. Congratulations on your promotion!



  21. I know. It took me almost half a day to download TF2.
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