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Everything posted by Archon~

  1. I think that Lewa might be a Toa of the Green AND Air. How awesome would that be?
  2. That would be fine, if Greg actually didn't canonize very stupid fan headcanon someone presents him. I mean yes, but that's why I believe when an issue arises, like it did over the Nui Stone, a carefully worded question should be posted here for "counsel" and then asked. But that's just me.
  3. All of this discussion is on a fast track to really sensitive subjects and is off topic, so I suggest that any arguments regarding sexuality, religion, and even gender are stayed away from. Many members have already established that they would want bigender tribes, but I wouldn't add gasoline to the flame. Plus there have been a lot of fights on BZP lately, can't we all just appreciate what's to come? Also the thing about species... Do you think that we could use the LMB to get Greg to categorize multiple characters under once species? Like, a lot of the Dark Hunters could have originated from same species like the Piraka did? And then maybe tie those species into the ones of the Barraki? I feel that that would simplify the old world quite a bit. Final note, if Bionicle is scheduled for only 3 years, I would like it to stay on Okoto, but we better discover some cool characters. expanding to another island later on would be nice however. EDIT: did anyone notice that for Lewa his character Bio says he's master of the jungle AND wind????
  4. That would not make sense since I believe we already know what the name of the first island ever created in the Matoran Universe is called.Just curious, what might that be? And honestly guys, as much as I'm stoked for Gen2, I think we still should appreciate the little tidbits of news we're getting for the original since there are a lot of unanswered questions.
  5. I approve of this. So was Cordak potentially the name of their island? Cordak Nui?
  6. And Umbra.. And half of the Glatorian... Kind of. And most of the Vahki/Visorak.Honestly, during that period we could have gotten away with one vahki and visorak set, and maybe other sets along. Like Lariska. Jeez Lego.
  7. No giant robots pls. Bi-gender tribes, obviously. I do want to see Brutaka, and the rest of the expanded universe characters make a return in some form.
  8. Matoro, Tahu, Kopaka. I liked Matoro as a Matoran. Ever since he went Inika he was just very meh. Honestly, the Toa Nuva too. Since federation if fear I cared little for what the Toa were doing, ans save this, do that, don't kill him blah blah blah. I became interested more in characters like Brutaka, Roodaka, TSO, the Barraki, like where is their story, what are their real motives, ehat happened to them?? And yeah. The Toa ended up just kind of... Being there... At least that's how I feel. The exception to this would be Jaller amd Takanuva. That duo is my favorite, sad we couldn't see them working together like 2 old cop buddies. Then one of them dies in the end. Yeah... That would be a story alright.
  9. Fakec the sword doesn't have swirling blue energy around it i have the set. U.U
  10. All preferably. Prolly: gali, onua, kopaka, lewa, pohatu, tahu
  11. This is one wack alternate universe, but man, I'm excited! IMO the island and whole city vibe are much better, and I'm glad to see some physical variation in our OG characters. It's good to be back guys, and it's good to see 22 users on a topic. it reminds me of the old days. Welcome new members, bask in the greatness/clusterfunk that is BZP. Cherish it, love it, respect it.
  12. No, I haven't sorry, but good idea! Plus, his Matoran form has been taken apart and made into his current Toa state, so it wouldn't make sense for me to make the vehicle now, when the Pilot is a hulking, spike armored Toa of Fire. Maybe I'll do it if I ever try and do a pre-mutation form?
  13. Well, I personally imagined Marendar a lot different, like a giant Devastator (movie version) looking monstrosity that was a cyclops. Don't know why, that's just what's in my head. Anyway, onto the MOC!! I am a huge fan of the body. Honestly, it's awesome and I think you did an amazing job with it. Same with the wings, I really like how you used the Vahki Staves, but I do think that maybe 08 Makuta wings would work better, have you tried those out? Now, I like your arms but I do think they're far too short making him look a little off. Maybe if you slightly alter the Axonn design of the hands so that the fingers are mademof Bohrok limbs could help aleviate the problem. I also think the legs could use more bluking, they're looking a little skinn and weak just balancing on that Inika leg piece Finally, while I enjoy the head design, I don't think it fits on this MOC, idk why but thats just the feeling I get. The neck is too long, maybe shorten it to give it better proportions and make the head seem more natural? Also, what does the chain on his head represent? Idk that's it from me. While I don't see this as Marendar in my head, simply of how I inagined him, I have to congradulate you on a neat giant MOC.
  14. From the Greg Question topic on the Lego Boards: Interpert this as you want people. And I still believe that Ta- Ga- etc are merely prefixes, actual words reffering to elements do, or should, exist in Bionicle, and I still firmly believe that the names of the Toa Mata are in fact names of elements.
  15. Actually, yeah, that makes perfectly good sense. And of course, I forgot to mention that Toa OP has finished his destiny in this case scenario. However, how would the Toa, whos energy has been siphoned, become Turaga then if they couldn't sacrifice anything to trigger the transformation? Would they just will it? Sorry, I really want to beat the dead horse on this one to make sure there is no future confusion for members, nad maybe clarify some stuff to be added to BS01. Thanks for being so helpful dude!
  16. I see, well I guess I don't have much of an argument for now, but I'll keep researching. I might try to construct a nicely worded question for Gregory to clarify the matter, and I'll post it on here to make sure you guys agree with how it's worded. Side note, I think that's actually a great system of asking Greg good questions that might not cause confusion. Another side note, I'm glad to see so much argument and heated debat on S&T. It lets me know that the forum is alive once again, and that people still care, and that lets me know that there's still fire in people's hearts. :')
  17. Hahaha, thank you so much! That actually means a lot, and you have inspired me to create another Moc that would be a part of the Toa Cordak "team". Also UPDATE: I rewrote his story (the Future section) so it says that he is going after Pridak (due to former relations) instead of the Element Lord of Water, because this story seems more plausible and relevant to his story. Do go on and read if interested.
  18. I'm arguing the latter, because it has never been stated that air has numerous gasses within it, and that's why I believe being can breathe (and utilize) water and or/air. Not extract oxygen/equiv. from air/water. But I guess this can be answered only by Greg if we ask him, since my memory tells me there is no confirmation or denying either.
  19. That question is great! I'm excited to see a response. HOWEVER, I have a follow up question we can discuss. So lets say a Toa (let's call him OP as in over powered) decided to harvest a bunch of energy from various Toa, and all of a sudden from the goodness of his heart decides to sacrifice all that power to create as much Toa as possible from Matoran. Now, do you think this is possible, and if so do you think he would turn into a Turaga, or do you think he, along with the Toa whos power he stole, would turn into Turaga? Now ain't that a head scrathcher.
  20. I don't think it's ever been officially discussed due to the fact that it's the secret sauce that makes it all work. A good magician never reveals his tricks, know what I mean? I think that further dwelling into it could just raise more questions and poke more unnecessary plot holes. But then again, I'm not very well versed on the subject. However, I've read some of Bonesi's theories regarding Protodermis, and I have to say they mostly make sense.
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