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Everything posted by Archon~

  1. That is true, however I feel that adventure time might be expanding to the point where bionicle was in 2010: kind of big, messy and a lot of "wait what", know what i mean?
  2. ha ha ha Lets just not. Anything other than bionicle fan sounds absoloutley ridicilous in my book. Bionifan? Sounds like ponyfan, and imo that's not necessarily the best association.
  3. You might want to double check that http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/052/e/a/1024x768_toa_mata_on_stairs_by_biomediaproject-d5vqgw8.png http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060104210821/bionicle/images/e/ec/Sixbohrok.jpg
  4. Oh god scrolling through this topic is painful... So much spam... So much... Pointlesss... Stuff... Ugh. Is anyone else worried / not looking forward to it as much since the story will be aimed at a much younger demographic than Gen1 has been in the later years? Also, I'm kind of worried 2001-03 will just kind of repeat it self... Side notes, the new mask attatchment system seems neat, and I'm liking the MoC, do you guys hope it's released in a set, or left to be found in a mask pack, or as a promo thing with a game/ movie?
  5. I think if you used bohrok feet instead of Mata, it'll make the feet just the right size.Other than that, I really like this! You were going for a set look, and I can see this being a set, although the chest, although nice and plump, feels a little bland and could use more detail/bulk in the chest area. That's just my opinion. Also, the Mata legs for the warhammer seem kind of off to me idk:/ Other than that, as I already said, fantastic model. EDIT: I'm curious how the chest looks like under the armor piece, also do the gears work?
  6. So you're saying Matoro making a sacrifice instead of Takanuva would be like Neville sacrificing himself (hypothetically) instead of Harry? I get that.
  7. I knew somebody would bring this up, even though I attempted to explain that Takanuva has a unique destiny, that's why I'm not bringing this up for any other character, and that's why I'm asking the community.I understand you liked that Matoro made the sacrifice but why "leave it be" when I'm asking how people feel about a story event and if they would alter it. If you feel the question is random or ridicilous, that's fine, feel free to press tre back button on your browser, not question the intentions of the topic's origins.
  8. So, I know it's been a while since Matoro's death, like 7, almost 8 years ago (wow im old), and I know Matoro is treated like a Bionicle martyr, but Takanuva has also had quite a prominent and unique role in the story, so I'm just wondering: Would you have rather had him sacrifice himself for Mata Nui's life?
  9. Goes to show that simplicity can be incredibly creative and demonstrate a nice image of a creation. Well done! I dig the mandibles, teeth and antennae
  10. Then you can find out you don't really need an Exo-Toa and that the power was inside of you all along! But seriously though, congradulations on the completion o your collection.
  11. I'm not sure how a knight-based theme would work tbh. I would like to see Bota Magna explored and some Mayna influences there. Maybe a prisonbreak side-story? What else what else... Oh oh oh maybe a theme in the core of SM where the EP originated from? I'md imagine to see some gnarly monsters down there. EDIT: why is the opposite of heaven still filtered..
  12. What I find interesting about Visorak is that while they look like spiders with (only) 4 lefs, they have a society similar to ants really with (kinda) different classes for various purposes. Anyway, I think the Rock Raptor is meant to be more like a Veliceraptor, Chute Lurkers are more like Dragonfly Larvae (look em up, they nasty), the Kraawa are like Brontosaurus maybe? Anyway, here's the rest of my list: Artakha Bull = Centaur Crystal Climber = Gekko Dikapi = Emu Dust Darter = Flee Gadunka = Angler Fish? Hapaka = Sheep/Goat Keetongu = oneeyed Sasquach/ Orangutan Kirikori Nui = Grasshopper/ Cricket Lava Crawler = giant Beetle Niazesk = Hornet Pokawi = Kiwi Protodrake = Seal/ Dolphin mix The Rock = Giant Land Anemone Zivon = Skorpion Idk that's just some of them, but I just went through the list and there are definitely some Rahi that don't strike me as anything I can name iff the top of my head.
  13. They're canon. That's how they were made by *vakamavoice* Makuta */vakamavoice* .
  14. I really don't. It almost gives the impression that he doesn't care about the story, and a lot of incredibly trivial things have come about by this canonization process. Not saying that fan theory canonizations aren't good, but canonizing any fan theory that doesn't contradict established canon is not the way to run a fictional universe. And this is why I backed out of my heavy involvement with this storyline stuff for so, so very long... Because I got just tired of ###### like this happening. We had an answer. We had an explanation. Most people were content with the status quo. But no, somebody (or maybe muptiple bodies) had to keep pressing. Or present things in a construed way. Or try again and hope he's forgotten an old answer or explanation (so incredibly likely, especially now). Just to get a "yeah, sure" out of Greg and praise the suns that what they think is finally "right." Not just in this case, but it is the most recent. ~|ET|~ *drops mic* But seriously, we have a Turaga presentation of him in the movie and that duracell thing sucks. So yeah. That's my 2cents
  15. Red: Norik Brown: Hewkii Black: Toa Jovan Green: Lesovikk White: Toa Takua Blue: Toa Nuva Gali I wouls honestly love to see that team work together. Plus you get a little diviation from standard elementa.
  16. Marcie and Simon need a spin off series. At least like a season or 2 that explains how Ooo became and how they journied, split apart etc.
  17. Body type: Mahritoran Arms and legs colour: light Blue, white hands/feet, light gray chest piece Mask: blue Huna shaped like a rau Job (optional): merc.
  18. First year? Doubt it. Although depending in popularity of 2015, they might rerelease volumes/ graphic novels of the previous story.
  19. Well, think if it this way: the story froze during migration, therefore every character is stuck in the space-time that they were last mentioned. All we know of every MU inhabitant is that they're moving to SM and attempting to cooperate.
  20. Yes. Not only has it been a trend in past years, but now when it's coming back and when the old sets become even more rare, value will go up, while the people who have them will go down. Basic supply and demand laws really.
  21. The thirst for Bionicle is real. Honestly, you guys are fighting over a small detail we noticed on a CGI video... Just wait it out, patience is a virtue. There is still mysteries from Gen1 that are unresolved and still need numbers to pressure GregF into revealing.
  22. I say all of us oldfarts add Turaga infront of our names.
  23. I was 7 in 01, that's when I became enthralled.
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