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Everything posted by HBBG Krom

  1. UR Kahnoa's sister? Or something?!?!?

  2. Sorry 2 B so annoying, but... it has to do with a little something from a project starting wih J.

  3. K, the RC thing is getting wierd. Maybe you should get Atton Rand in ur little group of ppl with SW game names.

  4. I've seen sev and scorch, plus plain old Republic Commando, but now it's getting ridiculous.

  5. And huh is Boxxy?

  6. Hey, XD! Remember me from chat? Also, ur av is O.

  7. I'm having trouble converting ppl to our cause: bAsEianity

  8. Are the only things u do close topics and make "Birfdai" Topics? :P

  9. So... dazed and confused are ur superhero names?

  10. Y do u and Nikira have avs that look the same? It's wierd. O.o

  11. Guess that was just a rumor. O.O *feels embarrassed, kills whoever told*

  12. Glad to see ur un-banned!

  13. Great Scott? That's a dorky expression. Wierdo Canadian :P

  14. oH, BuT i ShAlL1!1!

  15. Yo. Started KOTOR on Friday. :D Love it. Already finished Taris and started Manaan and Tatooine. Thanx for ur tips

  16. *Gets out lightsaber, which just happens to be a LAZER!!!!!!!*

  17. Yeah, looks like I'm gonna need some extras. I'll wait until I get farther along, though. Also, when does your epic take place?

  18. Whoa! You like Evanescence? And AAR? Well, everyone here likes AAR it seems like. XD that inika commercial got us all hooked, huh?

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