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Everything posted by HBBG Krom

  1. So, Karzahni, uh... still up for being Vezok in Jovan: The Movie?

  2. *4 stars* Hey, Six man!

  3. Well, since two of the characters are gonna die (Only cast members know at this time, ppl.) I'll have some new characters like Lesovikk

  4. Well, Me happy iss my burfdai and me gonna parteh!
  5. Nice personal photo, VS!

  6. Where do I send my premier membership moneh?

  7. About the lines, uh, that doesn't work. The folder isn't public :P

  8. So u got un-banned? NO! NO!!!!!!!

  9. Sorry to be a pain, but the... um a hm?

  10. Well, LJ, nice to be communicating with you via BZP.

  11. Hehe. U were banned *Points and laughs*

  12. Da Koth, I am ur Father!

  13. iM StIll iN Ur bAsE!

  14. I like chocolate milk!

  15. *Force Lightning*

  16. What he said!

    Let's be friends!


  17. Make sure the person u murder is SPIRIT!

    Anyway, welcome to BZP, Mecha!

  18. What happened 2 U? Eh, I don't care! *Uses force to inflict more pain. U know I would.*

  19. HBBG Krom

    The Emoticon Game

    + + = Hewkii loves Macku + :blush:+ :annoyed2: + + :blush: + + + = BZPower newbie HBBGD
  20. Peantu Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly Time! Peanut Butter Jelly with a baseball bat! *Smashes glass jar of Jelly*

  21. Man, I want those Metruan, but someone hacked into my Paypal!

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