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Everything posted by HBBG Krom

  1. Happy Birthday, and how did you know about Takua?

  2. Time isn't exactly an illusion, it's just very misunderstood.

  3. What's the thing about Waldo about?

  4. Hi. Me. The nut job that hated you on the 2nd. Sorry about that. If I would've listened to the powercast earlier it wouldn't've happened.

  5. I know that The Old Republic is coming out at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011. But it's online and you have to pay monthly. Also, there's Force Unleashed II, LSWIII, uh, that's all I know about.

  6. Member spotlight's on you. Hope you don't have stage fright. :0

  7. Velcom, noob. Vee have been expecting you. If you need any help, I vill be happy to assist you.

  8. Remember me? I sold you Mutran and Vican, Vorox, Bitil, and Kirop. Guess what I found? Kirop's instructions. LOL.

  9. What do you mean, "Get well soon, GregF?"

  10. WHATEVER!!! Point is he spelle dit rong.

  11. They aren't country. :P

  12. By the way. "Sykik" is spelled "Psychik."

  13. Not really. Dipstick doesn't mean anything bad! :P

  14. Your sig is evil

  15. What do you mean, "Harrassing" you?

  16. Q, that is the worst kit I've ever seen!

  17. Oh, God! I thought your signature was going to say "PLEI WITH YER DIPSTICK JIMMEH!"

  18. Yeah. Just pure win!

  19. BALALAHAH!!! Your av is making me dizzy! (And is not very original. :P

  20. Ohai you Mangeh Muhtt!

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