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Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

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Status Updates posted by Nuile the Paracosmic Tulpa

  1. :P I was wondering where you disappeared to. There's a form in the first post of the AM topic.
  2. Thanks Karzahnii. And that's for me to know and you to wonder. ;) *shifty eyes*

  3. When I saw your name, I thought, "Nice pun, but who's Sora?" As soon as I saw your image I felt incredibly dumb....I mean, I was playing KH not but ten minutes ago! XP

  4. You can't put spaces in folder names, strangely. :/ So I just use dashes, as in "Project-Hogwarts".

  5. I didn't lose, 'cause I quit long ago. :P

    Anyway, who's that hedgehog in your signature?

  6. Always nice to see a fellow MacGyver fan. It's a great show.

  7. I love your signature! Did you make it yourself? Take it from MNOLG, I mean.

  8. Happy (belated) birthday - or rather, burpday. :P

  9. Hey, I'm planning on writing a new chapter of Ask Mantax soon. If you're still interested in guest starring, I'd be glad to have you. (:

  10. Oh. :P Thanks again. *fixes* And that's cool. ^^ I'm re-reading the series, I just finished Forest of Secrets. But I'm going to read Long Shadows before I continue with the first series.

  11. For the record, in relation to the below comment, I'm on your side, TN05.

  12. Cool, but evil and bent on world domination. ;) Thanks, though.

  13. Is your avatar what I think it is--a cat from the Warriors manga?

  14. D: Oh no! Is the Rock Raiders RPG dead? This is my fault! I went to check it yesterday, but I got distracted and forgot--I'm sorry! D:

  15. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  16. When facing a difficult task, act as if it's impossible to fail. ~ Jackson Brown Jr.

  17. Sorry about your grandmother. "But do not mourn her death; celebrate her passing to a new and better home."

  18. Happy birthday! (: Have a good one!

  19. Your banners exceed 100KB together. Better fix that! :)

  20. Hey, Zarky, do you mind if I base my entry for the Short Stories: 700wd Fest Pursuit on Battle for Mirazis? Well, provided I find a good plot and the time. :P

  21. Er, I'm sorry, but your explanation wasn't sufficient. What about acronyms?

  22. Great! ^^ I'll go read it!

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