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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Voltex

  1. *Highfives back*


  2. #agnesforsmashbros

    1. JiMing



    2. Voltex
    3. JiMing





  3. 1000 notifications! I am going to go for a world record of them being unchecked!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voltex


      Not really. I guess if that gives me more notifications, go ahead? I wouldn't know, though, because I don't check them.

    3. Rahkshi Guurahk
    4. Rahkshi Guurahk
  4. 2 previews of "TheAfterWords" up on the blog!

  5. 2 spots left in Bionicle Mafia IX: Sentinels of the Darkened Skies!!

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk
    2. Underscore


      I tried playing a Mafia game once or twice and it was too confusing because I was new and there seemed to be some history between the old players

    3. Voltex


      Your best bet with Mafia is to play a couple games in a row - ask all the questions you need to in-topic (or ask the host of the game via pm), and don't get too involved in events outside of voting and observing the conversations occurring - that's how I rolled and by my fourth or fifth game I had no troubles at all.

  6. 2015 Resolution: less name changes

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ghidora131
    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Remember Monty Oum

    4. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I will stay silent as I am not a redneck but in Alabama. =P

  7. 2nd Bionifight 5 teaser is up on the blog now.

  8. 666 notifications plus The AfterWords sneak release!

  9. According to some BZP members I'm awesome. I agree with them.

  10. Actually, I just found a member named VakamaMontana. XD

    Search in comedies by views and show all, click the barraki hotel, and go down a couple replies. =P

  11. Actually, I've been wondering about that recently. I wil be capitalizing the B when I have the chance, but why does everybody say "iBrow"? :P

  12. Agnes is best

  13. All nighter with pizza and cookies before we leave at 530 am tomorrow and come home!

  14. All that we've lost....

  15. aloha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voltex


      ...once more I do not understand this other language! =O I'll assume you say hello.

    3. Progenitus Worldsoul

      Progenitus Worldsoul

      umm. hello is "aloha". I'm speaking the same language as you are.


      Answer's how are you, by the way.

    4. Voltex


      I know aloha, but that doesn't mean I understand the rest of it. xD

  16. And the name change is complete!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JiMing


      The staff didn't like it. =P

    3. Voltex


      JiMing would be correct.

    4. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Why can't we have accented es? :P

      Yes I know Es is German for E Flat. :P

  17. And we're back... again... with more data loss. Most important blog posts salvaged.

  18. And you're gone too... sigh...

    1. MetaStriker


      I second ibrow's comment...sigh...one less person to read my basically dead comedy.

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