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Posts posted by Voltex

  1. IC: Mahryo - Desert

    Mahryo did, in fact, notice. He frowned as Yaushe slowly rolled away, but assumed that she had chosen to abandon them on purpose.

    "Well, it's always unfortunate to lose a friend," he said, before turning and wrapping his arms around what he believed were Nu's shoulders in a crushing grip. "That just means we need a new friend! Welcome to the crew!"

    @xccj @Toru Nui @Jakura Nuva

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  2. IC: Mahryo - Northern Deserts

    "If you don't mind my asking, what are you?" Mahryo asked the creature hanging outside. "I have never seen anything like you before. Well, in truth, I don't remember seeing much of anything these days! But I have the strangest feeling, as though I truly have not see something like you until now."

    @Nato the Traveler

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  3. IC: Magryo - Northern Deserts

    Mahryo appreciated Triki's eccentricities, in truth. Yaushe's... unique circumstances were always fascinating to think about. And of course, he would always love his brother. But conversations between four amnesiacs stuck together got stale rather quickly, and they had been traveling together with nobody else for company for too long. It didn't help that they had been aimless in their wanderings, with no memories to guide them in a certain direction. But now - now he was beginning to feel more alive! They had a purpose, and a villain to vanquish! And a new companion, to boot.

    It was this companion that interested him, and so Mahryo approached the machine, tapping it on the shoulder. "Hello! I was wondering if you could tell me more about yourself! Where do you come from?"

    @Toru Nui

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  4. IC: Mahryo - Northern Deserts

    "Look at us! Off on another whirlwind adventure!"

    Mahryo clambered into the transport, grinning at Triki, Lueiji, and Yaushe. The dullery of wandering the wasteland with no memories was finally ending; they finally had a purpose! To defeat and capture an evil villain, and end his reign of tyranny!

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  5. IC: Mahryo - Northern Deserts

    Mahryo hummed to himself, idly flicking fireballs onto the sand as he leaned up against a van-like vehicle, doing his best to relax. Sitting still for too long had brought about another headache, though the (relatively) fresh air was helping, and it was good to stretch his legs. Not for the first time, he found himself rather annoyed by his amnesia; they were more than a little lost, and it was adding to their travel time. At least he was in good company.

    @Jakura Nuva @ZippyWharrgarbl @xccj

  6. 2 hours ago, Unreliable Narrator said:

    @ZippyWharrgarbl, I'm not sure if your PC is an April Fool's joke or you actually want to play a haunted van. Please confirm Van-chan. 

    @Edelgard, okay. Alright. I admit it. You got me. Also Mahryo is approved so long as he doesn't have access to his latent fire powers without the aid of skakdi or a red smiling dandelion. 

    The idea is that he can only use the fireballs normally - any attempts to use it by himself in other ways simply wouldn't work.

  7. hello yes i am also new
    here is profile

    Name: Mahryo 

    Breed: Skakdi 

    Faction:  N/A 

    Brief Description: A crimson Skakdi with a rather portly appearance, blue markings on his chest, and blue eyes. Mahryo has a distinct sense of honor and integrity, and likes to stick up for the little guy. He is brave and optimistic in the face of adversity, and is rather skilled with machinery. 

    Background/Occupation: Mahryo is currently suffering from amnesia; he has forgotten his background almost entirely, though he remembers his brother Lueiji. From where he awoke and the tools in his hand at the time, he has come to assume that he is a mechanic.  

    Flaws: Mahryo dislikes the sight of blood, and has dulled both his teeth and claws to avoid drawing it himself. Headaches are a recurring issue, thanks to his mysterious head injury. His need to stand up for what’s right also frequently gets him in trouble, and he is stubborn enough to refuse to walk away from a fight.  

    Powers/Equipment: Mahryo’s vision power allows him to grow people or things up to twice their normal size, or shrink them down to half their normal size. As his breed quirk, Mahryo also able to create fireballs in his hands; these fireballs can maintain their form, but dissipate after a few seconds if Mahryo isn’t holding them. He does have more broad control over the element of fire – but only in conjunction with another Skakdi’s element. He also wields a large combination wrench, about the length of his forearm – good for both mechanical endeavors and bludgeoning enemies.  

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