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Everything posted by Nav3taX

  1. I got Ponies!! and Assassins Creed Revelations and Spacemarine! ^^
  2. ^ Got em! ^^ SO AWESOME!- Breaking Benjamin We are not alone and The Offspring Rise and Fall Rage and Grace
  3. Thanks! Ill have the next comic out soon 8)
  4. that text style is called my handwriting XD thanks ExonIll have a better comic up soon! and you guys ARE talking about the text at the start right? XD
  5. http://www.majhost.com/gallery/navinator/comics1/comic2.pngIts short, and I guess not well made, there was more at the end of that, but for some UNKOWN reason it didnt save D:Can I have another go to make this make more sense?Or someone else can take it <: )
  6. what happens if it gets passed?!What will happen to BZP and other websites?
  7. And i will concept a new ship, right after my birthday *right now, Im 14 *And you Will love it!!! well first i have a few other art projects to do, but ill be sure to get on it soon! :3
  8. Ohh the anticipation! Nice job!Whats next for your development into the new character?
  9. side on colision, it makes more sense now, its sorta like ODST when the rookie has flashbacks about his team mates
  10. lol, i also hope to get my new series up at least max 10 days after my birthday lolso, ill be on stand by for my next go!
  11. and if it does. ill take care of it!
  12. I could take it too if you want? I just finished all my Exams! the rest of the years gonna be a cruze!
  13. mm. i just put up the Galaxy comic .. AGAIN .. and i think it got taken down. AGAIN. thats the good one though.
  14. it got removed. i have no idea why!
  15. hehehehehe.. I dont think i will actuly.. It might be better than what I had before... Oh well, I can comply to the comics sucking monkey butt - probibly cause while I was doing them I was more focused on training my attack on runescape. and learning new GIMP effects. So gime a few days to give tis alittle of an overhaul and get my mind back on track. cause im just AWESOME like that. lol
  16. good work crash! :Pif anyone else wants the sprite, just gime a pm!
  17. Well, It's my new sprite I was working on, she's a Survivor from the crash. (ill PM authors about her, as we could use her as a plot device [and remember she's not dead] {wait i just might mssge who evers next to make a comic} )well. i dont wana release too much, Crashino, ill mssge u with details. kk?
  18. http://www.majhost.c...ppendcomic1.png youurr welcome! URGH, Kazi's text messed up!! its the white messed up lines. the first pannel where he speaks he says I don't wanna know then the seccond pannel is: Whoa! nice shot! i though i fixed those. but i guess i didnt. >,,,<
  19. what a lovely BROMANCE!Im -1% completed on that comic. ill get started now. cause im a lazy Sod
  20. what i am conincidently watching right now. "Crysta Skull""oh yeah he's insane"
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