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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by JrMasterModelBuilder

  1. Ya know your avatar path is broken? The file's not there. ;)

  2. Ya' know what? Because you took the time and consideration to ask permission, you have my permission to use the words my banner! :) Sorry, I didn't understand what you were asking.

  3. Yeah, I have some contacts with LEGO. Serious Games Interactive are the people who made GA2 for LEGO. That's how I know they know how to decrypt it.

  4. Yeah. It's no big deal though.

  5. Yes it is indeed my work.

    It seems there might be some disinformation going on here, so:


  6. You found a site with The Legend of Mata Nui?!

    Please comment me the link or email it here:


  7. You like my avatar or my personal photo (which is avatar size)? ;)

  8. You might want to close the official Glatorian Arena game topic. ;)

  9. You seem like a real stand-up guy. Your a member of this site, even though they don't like your site. And your Premier! Lets here it for professional courtesy! ;)

  10. You were asking about the lost Matoran Escape file a while back. Well, I got them back:


  11. You wouldn't get this from any other guy

  12. You're quite welcome. I just put a support banner in my signature. It's much cooler than the plain text I had.

  13. Your personal photo loads randomly. Were you inspired by my banner? ;-) BTW, I though couldn't use .php files for our images. 0_o

  14. Your welcome, though you earned it! It's your repeat avatar for yet another site we can't meantion that really tipped me off who you are. LOL, I was wondering why the conflict of dates. ;)

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