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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SPIRIT


    Animation Test

    So all the recording's done, eh? Well, there go my wild fantasies of being a voice actor in this one. Anyway, I'm not surprised that the animation in the movies is improving. Just look at the differences between movies 1 and 3. Now give that 4 years and we're going to see some pretty cool stuff.
  2. If I did that, then you'd never set it as your favourite for easy access. :P That, and I'm too lazy.

  3. Hectic of late, thanks to school. :P

  4. It's a floating wok!

  5. Screenshot from LoMN + CSI font in photoshop.

  6. 'Cause I got a blast of inspiration. Besides, "I'm a floating Manta Ray" isn't nearly as funny. :P

  7. There are just so many good contests this summer and so little time to do them in! True, I've gotten the Mantax Facts PSA [/subtle advertising] out of the way, but I've still got two more chapters of Wildfire and the rest of school to get through. Now, if I'm going to enter the S&T and Epics contests, I'm going to have to delay Wildfire even further. From the way Dark Mirror is going and the way The Kingdom went, I don't think I'm in any danger of Greg "stealing" my idea for the ending. Since the contests have a deadline and this does not, I'm afraid it'll have to take the back burner. Another problem is that I have job training the week that has both the deadlines in it, so I need to finish my entries early. I'll have some time off school, thanks to exams, but since I'm headed to university in the fall, school takes priority. Basically, if I can finish, I'll finish, if not, Wildfire gets finished- everyone wins.
  8. Cool. Maybe you could even include a link to the movie? [/flagrant attempt at getting free advertising]

  9. 'Cause I was too busy working on the PSA, that's why.

  10. *all parts of former self (whether in boxes, rock gardens, or even smaller fragments) all somehow turn to dust as Quantum Entanglement mysteriously comes into effect*

  11. SPIRIT

    Crunch Time

    I finally have all the lines. Anyway, I've got The Mudkip Man and Shadow Rahkshi hard at work on the sprites so hopefully they'll finish in time. If you think you could help, though, it would be much appreciated. I've got 9 days to finish this movie, so fingers crossed.
  12. "Troll in the dungeons! ... Thought you ought to know... *faints*"

    Anyway, that's awesome news. So pending my artists and LK's mp3 player's mic, I just might make it. :D

  13. SPIRIT

    Si Proche...

    Actually, Chirox called Vamprah his "petit ami" (translating "silent friend" from the original comic). Now while can mean "little friend", it's still a pretty awkward comment.
  14. SPIRIT

    Si Proche...

    ... mais encore si loin... Well, a few weeks ago, I asked LEGO to send me the March-April issue of LEGO Magazine and today I got a large caramel envelope from Enfield, Connecticut. I opened it up and inside were the LEGO catalogue and the missing issue of LEGO Magazine. So I quickly skipped to the middle to get to the comic, only to find that I had not quite gotten what I had asked for. At the top of the front page were the words, "BIONICLE LA BATAILLE POUR LE POUVOIR". :annoyed2: LEGO had sent me the French version! Now, I can read French alright, but come on! It was kind of interesting, though, to learn the French terminology for certain BIONICLE things as well as strange translations that were made. The Brotherhood of Makuta is "La Confrèrie de Makuta".The Great Spirit is "Le Grand Esprit" (which is odd, since the French version of Legends of Metru Nui says "L'Esprit Divin").The word they use for "rider" (in reference to the corrupted Matoran) translates to "jockey". Shadow Leach is "sangsue de l'ombre" (bloodsucker of shadow)A Tridax Pod is "une nacelle Tridax"A lightvine is "une vigne lumineuse".Chirox calls Vamprah his boyfriend. Skyboard is "planeur céleste".Understandably, because it's in French, some of the snappy dialogue doesn't really translate. Oddly enough, there's no Treespeak in French, who knew? However, Lewa still says "Héros Toa" without the hyphen, so I guess it was just a lack of understanding on the part of the translator, Jocelyne Vrzovski. So maybe I'll ask for an English version of the magazine if I have time, but clearly someone over in Enfield needs to brush up on their Canadian geography.
  15. Homework-filled, I'm afraid. :(

  16. *individual piece of former body that now resides in TtW's rock garden shatters*

  17. Sure thing. Oh, and would you mind raking that patch of sand by my left face stripes a bit more? It's totally blocking my chi.

  18. *falls over and shatters*

  19. Yeah, the drawing contest is for kids 11 and under, but the video is open to everyone. Don't worry, that confused me too.
  20. I am so there! When I first heard about the Bionicle Graphic Novel Contest, the first thought that came to my mind was PSA#5. Hey, it worked for the Zamor one so why not this? There's a slight flaw to this in that many people still owe me stuff. I've sent them all PMs, but I can only hope that they'll be able to get me their stuff within the next three weeks. Also, there's the fact that there are a few in-jokes and Internet fads that are referenced in the movie. I'm not sure whether or not BIONICLE editor Jim Salicrup, publisher Terry Nantier, and the BIONICLE experts at The LEGO Group will find them all funny, but I figure there's enough other content in there that they would find funny for the movie to work. Understandably, I have become quite jittery as winning this contest could mean quite a bit of publicity for my movie making abilities as well so much more. So fingers crossed.
  21. Good... good... let the hate flow through you!

  22. Being at the end of high school, I am on the verge of explosion. I have Independent Study Units, tests, and other large projects piling up that are all rapidly reaching their deadlines. Why, come this Tuesday, I will have had to have had [is this actual grammar??? ] handed in two pages on a How To book for Writer's Craft and my script writing project; done a test in Biology on the human sensory system; and presented in History on a piece of 19th century literature. Not only that, but people want me to finish off PSA#5 and Wildfire, which I'd MUCH rather do than that school work. Problem is, only the latter affects my ability to go to university. Understandably, there may be delays in my BZP stuff, but I'll try to get it done as fast as possible without going completely insane. Already I've gotten all the lines I need from Bioni-Cool Jack and a promise from Lady Kopaka that she'll get right on it. Now all I need is stuff from Rayg, Cee, and -CL- and we should be good to go.
  23. *Jedi mind trick* No he doesn't. :)

  24. Nah, they stole the name from me. Fashion companies are always doing that to me 'cause I'm so fly. I've already got like six lawyers after ESPRIT, not to mention the ones I have after LEGO for the Kanohi Iden.

  25. I think I can guess how the staff will change. From now on, the more capital letters in your name, the higher your position. Well now look at that...
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