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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by SPIRIT

    Hey technically-inclined people of this strange corner of the internet,
    I'm in the market for a good gaming PC. Like, a really good one. Like one that will play Skyrim on Ultra with no loading time. But I have no idea where to start looking.
    Got any recommendations?
    Also, I'm incredibly lazy, so building it myself will never happen.
    The worst part of whatever sickness I had seems to have passed, but now I've progressed to a stage where I sound quite a *cough* bit like *cough cough* General Grievous *cough* (if you *cough* catch my drift). It's driving me and my family insane- I can down a whole bottle of water in 30 seconds and still be thirsty! I'm not quite sure what sickness I had, but it's certainly done a number to my immune system. The good part is that sleeping and eating are working properly again and they're much more important than breathing is.
    In other news, it's actually snowing now (♫I'm dreaming of a white Halloween...♫), which is odd because my part of the country barely even has snow at Christmas any more. When I used to live further north, though, there was usually a metre of snow by November! Well, it's a good thing that the heavy snow didn't start until night- I reeeeeeeally didn't want to walk home in a blizzard wearing October-appropriate clothes.
    How do ghosts' clothes work?
    I mean, you don't normally see naked ghosts. They usually wear what they were wearing when they died. Does this mean their clothes died too?
    When I wear a hole in something and throw it out, does that mean I kill it?
    Or does it specifically have to be worn by someone as they die?
    Could there be a postmortem industry of getting terminally ill patients to wear many layers of clothing to help boost the phantom economy by ghostifying a whole bunch of clothing at once?
    Is there the slightest chance I'm overthinking this?
    I had a bit of free time today and so I went to open up the Word document containing the rough draft for my script for PSA 5 only to let out a girly shriek of horror.
    Yes, sadly in my attempt to increase space on my computer by moving all my personal files to a thumb drive, my production folder for the PSA was somehow lost in the process. I have downloaded program after program to sift through the files that have gone beyond the recycling bin to no avail-- that folder is gone forever. This includes the lyrics and music for both songs, the half started script, and the intro animation. Now they are all lost in the dark abyss of forgotten files...
    Luckily, though, I have a pretty good memory for lyrics (especially ones that I wrote), I still have the music for the songs elsewhere, the animation is not impossible to replicate, and the script probably needed an overhaul anyway.
    So yeah, things have been set back a little, as you might imagine.
    How many times do you hear this expression on TV/in gym class? Have you ever wondered if its possible for something to function at 110% capacity? Well I'm here today to tell you that it is.
    Last Thursday, the general consensus was that my computer was working at 100%. It had no errors, spyware, viruses, and it worked at a pretty good speed. Then, for some reason or other, disaster struck. Programs kept shutting down on their own, Firefox wouldn't open, my firewall wouldn't activate... After rebooting it several times and giving it many virus scans, I was able to get the computer to a state so that the firewall was working again. A few more virus scans and deleting of certain files and now everything is working great. The best part is that I now have updated versions of Firefox and Flash, as they had been infected by the virus as well.
    So now everything is back to normal and I have two new spiffy programs. As my computer is working better than it was before, it is therefore working at 110%.
    Well, I think it's time to lay my good friend The Funny Messages Content Block to rest. He had a good run. He served as a repository for old messages I put in the Flash banner I used to use before I got lazy. Now, though, I think it's time to remove him for good. The messages he once held will now be displayed in this blog entry, allowed to sink into the obscurity of my blog. They might not have always been funny... or made sense... but they... well, here they are.

    If insects have 6 legs and arachnids have 8, then what the heck are Visorak?? If life is like a box of chocolates, then death must be a peanut allergy. Coconuts kill 150 people a year by falling on their heads. Just be glad they don't migrate! When life gives you lemons, it's important to hold out until it gives you sugar and water too or else you'll have really gross tasting lemonade. In Soviet Russia, you do not Free the Band, the band frees you. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives Chuck Norris pears, he makes lemonade out of them too. Join the Dark Side. You'll save millions on electricity with Force Lightning! I wonder who brushes their teeth more: Vezon or Fenrakk? *Jedi mind trick* This is not the witty quote you are looking for. Is it really necessary for me to see Stormtrooper wearing blue Speedos in LEGO Star Wars II? I defeated Emperor Palpatine with the skeleton character in LSWII; so much for Anakin being the Chosen One. My computer is virus-free again! Those Inika Zamor really do the trick! Comida is the Spanish word for food. Does that explain why there are so many food obsessions in BZP comedies? Pridak just flosses with barbed wire, that's all. Hahli may be able to walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through land. Am I the only person who notices the similarities between Mantax and Chuck Norris? If the server's name is Linus, I wonder if he knows Charlie Brown... When it comes to eggnog, the glass is neither half full nor half empty, it's mine! Tonight you will be visited by three SPIRITs... Make sure to stock up on eggnog. I got two DS games for Christmas and I lost two of the ones I already had. Can somebody say irony? According to cheerleaders, you can never get enough SPIRIT. Where does the Recycle Bin go when you delete it? Aw man, Greg said that Bionicle probably won't last until 3007. That's it, I've abandoned my plans to live forever! If Pridak likes the Pillars of Salt, I wonder how Mantax feels about Pillars of Pepper... I think Ehlek might be Canadian, eh? If Mata Nui has been asleep for a thousand years, I really hope he isn't a bed wetter... Seems to me like the only way to be a success in BIONICLE is to include rap in what you're saying... fo' shizzle. "Creeps from the deep's gonna be feeding off the spine" I wonder what that tastes like. "You know what I hate? People who quote themselves." -Me Well, if Mata Nui's going to die, I hope that he at least put me in his will. Hydraxon: I'm not dead. I'm getting better. Nocturn: No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment. "Forums are so outdated. I know you wanted to see this." Now he's taunting me. If most of the members here are male, then how come the cutesie BBC contest had the most entries? I won't make any excuses for why it's been so long since I've updated this; I'm just lazy, plain and simple. Anyone who thinks that BIONICLE makes people violent should be stabbed with Tahu's firesword! In a few years, when the world's plastic supply is exhausted, LEGO fans are going to look pretty smart. Why is it that anyone who spends time with Lhikan turns evil? I sense a conspiracy here. If we all did situps every time got a board message, we'd have six packs by the end of the week. Never fails. I'm gone for a week and they overhaul BIONICLE.com on me. It was worth becoming staff just to see the board when it's offline for everyone else. I'd like to put a quote from Deathly Hallows here, but I'd also like not to be mobbed by fans who haven't finished the book yet. Do you suppose any of the Makuta wear eye-shadow? There's nothing I like more than coming home to 60 reports and to find that I only need to close one topic. If I had a nickel for every time we ignored physics in the staff RPG... Apparently it's illegal to wear a mask in Denmark. This might explain a few things... Did you know that an axon is a microscopic section of a nerve fibre? That's kinda lame. Matoro: Oh, false alarm, guys. I just forgot to change the batteries in the Mask of Life. Mata Nui's just fine. "Who ate all the pies?!" -Po-Matoran in MNOLG1. We may never know. You can't compare apples and Pohatu. Turaga Onewa: Stop! Hammer time! I wonder if Apple will be teaming up with LEGO to make the Toa iRon? Pohatu: Heart of the Visorak? Oh, I thought we were looking for some kind of gas cloud... May the bottom of your tree be filled with many colourfully wrapped LEGO sets this holiday season. Do you suppose for the next single-element environment that the storyline will take place on an island made entirely out of plasma? Takanuva: *waves hand* You don't need to see my identity tablet. If Mutran's "blog" is hidden away in his hive, how is he going to get any comments? Gali Nuva Mistika: Does this piece of Onua's armour on my back make my butt look big? Believe it or not, there is someone out in the world whose name is Terry Dacks. Dark Mirror becomes 100 times funnier if you picture Takanuva saying "D'oh!" at the end of every chapter. Strange, but true: Greg Farshtey was born just seventeen days before author J.K. Rowling. Those boulders in FoF 7 died to... Ah, forget it. The real reason Matoran don't love: So they don't get cooties. When the Mask of Life goes black, nobody goes back! My guidance counsellor doesn't seem to think that hunting for Horcruxes is a viable post-secondary option... Join Toa Tuyet's miracle weight loss program! In just 9 short sessions, you can cut your body weight in half! "My, Takanuva, what big... everything you have." Someone please tell Takanuva what the difference is between a compass and a sundial. After the war, Helryx retired to become a Q-tip saleswoman. "Is that enough cotton to clean out your ears?" Mata Nui: Oi! One thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck! Possession by a Makuta making your eyes red? There's a VISINE for that. Mata Nui in the Ignika: Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!!! The Ta-Matoran are so lucky... Theirs is the only Metru with chimneys for Santa to go down. Tuma: The next person who says to me, "it's not a Tuma!" is losing an arm! The first rule of Arena Magna is... you do not talk about Arena Magna. Matoro's not dead... he's just pining for the fjords! I wish Greg would bump off Norik so I could say, "Alas, poor Norik! I knew him well..." Tarduk: Vehicles? Where we're going, we don't need vehicles. Mantax makes the Pakari look like a Q-Ray Bracelet. "Hi, welcome to the BIONICLE News. I'm Onua, and this is Kopaka, my Ko-Anchor." So, if the Baterra only target "armed combatants", it's a good thing Nocturn isn't here... because he's got four arms... *awkward silence* "BOHROK!!!" That was my Bohrok call. Get it? "Bohrok-Kal!" How is the Sets Forum like a retirement home? Everyone complains about their joints. The ability to shatter a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force Blasters. Oh, I see what you did there: LEG-o. Denmark's making fun of me! Either Cryoshell's songs are very metaphorical or English isn't their songwriter's first language. Make your next explosion a Cordak Moment. So I'm thinking the next planet we visit will be called Carta Magna. Should've seen that coming... Mark Baldo is actually bald! TAHU is an anagram of UTAH. This explains so much... How silly of me. I thought Ba-Matoran were sheep! Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Lupin was one of the best werewolves of all time!
    I know a lot of people use the blogs rather than the forums to showcase their stuff, but that's crazier than crazy.
    Blogs are for shameless self-promotion and complaining about random things that no one else has context for!
    So I'm not going to post my video here, but I will link it for you to discuss.
    Got tickets for Star Wars for this coming Wednesday. Great seats (that row just in front of the aisle between the front section of seats and the rest, so extra leg room). In the meantime, I'm doing a full series rewatch with my family.
    So far I remain largely unspoiled, but Wednesday is very far away.
    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of spoilers, I shall fear no evil...
    I've remained silent on this issue for far too long, but I can do so no longer.
    While playing Fallout 4 and looking at an Achievement Guide, it was brought to my attention that some of the Achievements are mutually-exclusive to a playthrough unless you save-scum. Not only that, but other achievements are locked behind moral choices, but only if you pick a certain choice! That's not how Achievements should work!
    Achievements should follow these rules:
    1) A player must not be able to lock him or herself out of obtaining an Achievement. By the time you reach the end of the game, you should be allowed the option to return to all instances where an Achievement could have been obtained in order to reach 100% game completion. The obvious exception to this rule is games that are designed for multiple playthroughs.
    2) No Achievement should require the action of another human to complete. It can certainly be an option, maybe in a game with online capabilities that someone could help you get an Achievement, but that can't be the only way. Humans are unreliable and untrustworthy and making others rely on them to get Achievements is only going to result in pain.
    3) No more than 50% of a game's Achievements should be obtainable as part of completing the main story. No one cares about those ones! It's not "oh no, I had to work so hard to follow the neon signs down the path that the developers painstakingly designed for the lowest common denominator, I'm so glad I was rewarded for this", it's usually "oh... a consolation prize... yay..." It cheapens the Achievement brand, and it's just insulting. Sure, it can be handy to know how far you are in a game, sort of like announcing chapters in a book. However, you could just do what Half Life 1 did in the days before Achievements and just, you know, tell the player that they've advanced to the next part of the game? The only reason I could possibly see for not banning these (with the exception of an Achievement for completing the main storyline) would be so that you can check how far your friend has advanced through a game so that you can avoid spoiling what is to come next.
    4) No hidden or vague Achievements. I shouldn't have to look up a guide to find out what I have to do for an Achievement let alone what the Achievement is. If they're hidden to avoid spoilers, find a way to write the description of what you have to do a different way. If this is hard, try hiring better writers.
    5) If an Achievement requires the player to complete an action a certain number of times, there MUST be a visible counter to help the player track his or her progress. This is pretty self-explanatory. I should have to mentally tally how many times I do something or just keep doing something until I get the Achievement popup. The game is already counting for me. Why can't it just show its work? Lots of games already do this, it needs to be standard.
    I propose that the governments of the world sign an agreement to make a Ministry of Achievements (or Department of Achievements depending on your government's terminology) that regulates all games their country publishes. Not only will this governing body work to ensure that the 5 Commandments of Achievements are followed, but they will also work to ensure that Achievements are challenging but not impossible. Hopefully this will permit the art-form to flourish and will prevent unscrupulous game developers from releasing substandard video games.
    Please remember SPIRIT's 5 Commandments of Achievements the next time you're voting. Thank you.
  10. SPIRIT
    The following is a public service announcement for the benefit of all those from English speaking backgrounds.
    Hi, there. I'm SPIRIT. If you're like me, then your family originated in an English speaking country. Why, they've practically been speaking English since the days of King Arthur. Now, if you're like me, then you probably have friends that do not come from English speaking backgrounds. Sure, their English might be good, heck, even their parents' English might be good, but for some reason or other, many people from non-English speaking backgrounds seem to do the same thing that REALLY bugs me.
    Look, I know your family isn't Anglo-Saxon, I get it. But if you're telling me a story, don't start talking to me about your Nona or your Zayde; I DON'T KNOW WHAT THOSE ARE. Having a different culture than me is fine, but seriously, SPEAK TO ME IN A LANGUAGE I UNDERSTAND. Yes, you call your grandparents Baba and Oma (or whatever), that's great, but when you're telling me about them, PLEASE REFER TO THEM IN A WAY I UNDERSTAND.
    And another thing, "nana" is not "grandmother", it's short for "nanny", i.e. a person, usually with special training, employed to care for children in a household. Now, if that job description fits your grandmother, by all means, you can refer to her as that -- otherwise, just say "grandma".
    To sum up, calling your grandparents whatever you want when speaking to them or about them to someone who knows them by that name is fine, just don't use this name when speaking to someone who does not know this unless you provide an explanation.
    Tune in next time when SPIRIT gripes about all the confusion created by women who refer to all their female friends as "girlfriends".
  11. SPIRIT
    Billions of dollars every year are spent on marketing and advertising to manufacture desire and to tell people what they should want.
    This system has failed me.
    I don't know what I want for Christmas!
    The ultimate of first world problems, yet a problem I have nonetheless.
    Got any ideas? My family is already doing the "buy farm animals for people in third world countries" thing, and I could ask for gift cards, but that feels super lame.
    What are you guys asking for? Maybe something will pique my interest.
  12. SPIRIT
    Today is a very special day for BZP. Not only is it the anniversary of my joining of the site, but it's also the anniversary of my many BZP twins (obviously), which include many well known members such as SylverWind, Skye Green, and Toa Tilius. What I did not know, however, is that we also share our anniversaries with Bionicle, which turned 2 years old the day we all joined.
    Happy anniversaries!
  13. SPIRIT
    As many of you may know, yesterday was my birthday as well as easter. As far as I can remember, this is the first year that they've ever landed on the same day, so this was certainly an odd birthday. For starters, it was spread out over the whole holiday so I unfortunately didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would if it were all crammed into one day.
    Friday was cake day. Didn't do much that day except visit my grandparents and eat cake.
    Saturday was present day. I got all six Barraki, new headphones (the wire being exposed in my old ones), a t-shirt that said National Sarcasm Society: Like we need your support, and a ridiculous amount of cash.
    Sunday was age increase day. 12:00 PM and I was officially 17. Also, my other grandparents and aunt came to visit and I got another cake and two pies (because my aunt's birthday was five days prior).
    Monday, today, was do nothing day. Today, all I did was make a Content Block listing all my sets because I was bored.
    Now I'm filthy rich, loaded with chocolate, and all around content with the way things went on this long weekend. I'm finally getting around to starting the giant blog entry I promised so sit tight. And as for the PSA, I've decided to wait for Rayg to do a little more 2.5 work before I get down to business myself, since I need some of the sprites he has not yet drawn.
  14. SPIRIT
    I just want to make sure that everyone here has a secret password ready just in case they travel back in time and need to convince their past selves that they are from the future.
    A good Future Password would be something that you have never told anyone, impossible for anyone to guess, and that would give you the greatest flexibility in terms of time travel (i.e. the earlier this password would work on you, the better). My own password, for instance, would let me convince all past iterations of myself up to 1995.
    Be especially careful about the first two rules. If there's even a tiny chance that someone could guess your password, that defeats the whole purpose. Because it is more likely that you will be a victim of an elaborate ruse than future you actually travelling back in time, you have to make sure your password is something no one else could ever know (I mean, this is just standard preemptive inductive reasoning, guys).
    Now some naysayers out there might be wondering why you even need a password at all. Surely you could just be like the guy from a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and predict some future event to show everyone you're telling the truth. Well that's a horrible plan! First of all, in the time all of you have been alive, we know how to predict eclipses and other astronomical events, so you aren't convincing anyone with that shtick. Plus, how many of your have memorized recent history? Unless you're an autistic savant, you're going to have to sit around for a while waiting for an event you remember to transpire. Complete waste of time.
    If you can't think of something past you would know that know one else knows, then may I suggest making a Future Password now? Who knows, a future version of you could be spontaneously appearing right about... now.
    ... now.
    .... now.
    ... now.
  15. SPIRIT
    I have slept for so long.


    My dreams have been dark ones.


    But now I am awakened.


    Now the scattered elements of my being are rejoined.


    Now I am whole.


    And the darkness cannot stand before me.

  16. SPIRIT
    Spiders and scorpions don't have skulls! They're arthropods, which means they have exoskeletons! The Skull Spiders and Skull Scorpio are phonies!
    Hey everyone! These guys are great big phonies!
  17. SPIRIT
    Have you seen my entry for Epics Contest #8 yet? It chronicles a surprising twist on the events in Chapter 33 of Wildfire (i.e. the Jaller vs. Vakama chapter) and above all, it contains a huge explosion!
    Gape in awe as minor characters are given DEPTH.
    Be amazed at the introduction of a NEW WEAPON.
    And like I said before, there's a HUGE EXPLOSION.
    Read it TODAY.
    This blog entry was sponsored by the Boost SPIRIT's Ego Corporation™
  18. SPIRIT
    So remember that mysterious project I mentioned that I needed Flash to begin. Well, I've got Flash again and I have a preview ready for you:
    LINK (Yes, I'm aware some of the words jump. I'm too lazy to fix those, so just live with it for now.)
    Now before you go using the emoticon, allow me to explain. Throughout the ages, the rough concept of a BIONICLE-like version of BZP has been tossed about from time to time. Epics have been written, comics have been sprited... But I have a vision for more. If there's a general liking of this idea, what I envision is a large scale project to combine various media into a "canon" for BZ Nui. Writing, drawing, animating, RPGing, you name it. Also, anyone will be allowed to bring forth ideas, making it a real community project.
    So what do you say? Is it a good idea or the worst thing you've ever heard of?
  19. SPIRIT
    As of Tuesday September 29th 2015 at 11:29 AEST. I DO give Facebook, or any entities associated with Facebook, permission to use my pictures, information, or posts, both past and future. By this statement I give notice to Facebook that it is strictly encouraged to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can't be punished by law (not even you, UCC 1-308-11 308-103 or Rome statute). NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members should stop posting notes like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish this statement at least once nothing will happen to your photos, as well as information contained in the profile status updates. OR YOU CAN SHARE. You CAN copy and paste to make this your status.
  20. SPIRIT
    The United States and other countries constantly ridicule Canada for not having as large a military as them. However, we have reasons for this.
    Canada has a military base in the most northern settlement in the world: Alert, Nunavut. Why? We've seen enough Christmas specials to know that Christmas is ALWAYS in danger of being cancelled. Let's see the Grinch get past the full force of the Secret Canadian Special Forces, though.
    You can thank us when you wake up on Christmas morning and find that Santa managed to deliver your presents once again this year.
    Still don't believe we're protecting Santa? Then why do we get all his mail?

    Santa Claus North Pole
    H0H 0H0
    It's a real address. Look it up.
    Merry Christmas, eh?
  21. SPIRIT
    Here is how I would take over the world.
    Now, the problem with most world domination plans is that you have to be in charge of some sort of army or government. Since becoming a general is pretty risky and it's a real hassle to go through all the time and money required to successfully run for office, really the only way for anyone to easily rise to power over others is to become the chump husband of some monarch.
    Then I had a thought...
    Oh! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! SPIRIT? What if you were the chump husband? Okay, you marry the princess, all right? Then, uh, you become sultan!
    Marry the shrew? I become sultan... The idea has merit!
    Yes, merit! Yes! And then we drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff! YEAAAAAAAAAAAA Kersplat!
    Step 1: Marry the shrew
    After the three Princes of Wales and the Duke of York, the next two people in line for the British crown are Princess Beatrice of York and Princess Eugenie of York, who are conveniently right around my age. All I have to do is bring one of them on board with my plan, marry her, and badaboom, I'm Prince Consort of York.
    Step 2: Drop papa-in-law and the little woman off a cliff
    All I have to do is plan an unfortunate "accident" for those ahead of us in line to become head monarch and then blame it on some terrorist group. If lacking a terrorist group, pull a Palpatine and make one up. After that, we'll be crowned Queen and King Consort of the British Commonwealth.
    Step 3: Convince the senate to vote us emergency powers
    Yep, pull another Palpatine and use the aforementioned terrorist group to convince the British parliament to return emergency powers to the monarchy. One way to do this would be to pool our collective wealth into raising a private army to combat the "threat". Soon we extend our military protection to other members of the commonwealth, gaining further control over such economic powerhouses as Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and particularly Pakistan and India. Using their combined economies, we could raise an army to dwarf that of the United States Armed Forces.
    We would continue to expand our control over the world, guaranteeing them protection from the Droid Armies (or whatever) until we had managed to expand the Commonwealth to the entire planet. Then we announce that in order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Commonwealth will be reorganized into the first Global Empire, for a safe and secure society which I will assure them will last for ten thousand years.
    Step 4: Laugh maniacally

    And if none of that works, I guess tomorrow night I'll have to do the same thing I do every night: try to take over the world!
  22. SPIRIT
    If Lego put me in charge of doing a solid Bionicle Gen 3 reboot, I'd worldbuild the new island around the theme of renewable energy. It'd be easy to divide by element, and who wouldn't want a generation of youth imagining a cleaner planet?
    The setup would be that you've got these robots living on a tropical island with these jury-rigged energy capturing devices that help power their meager villages. Kind of like a rural Star Wars planet.
    Ta-Koro: Geo thermal. Village built by a volcano. No brainer.
    Ko-Koro: Hydro electric. There isn't a lot you can do with ice, but you can do a lot with mountains. Waterfalls, dams, that sort of thing. That being said, you'd have to make the Ko-Matoran more of a mountain people than an ice people.
    Ga-Koro: Wave power. This is totally a thing (look it up). You've got these generators on the ocean that turn the movement of waves into power. Plus Ko-Koro doesn't have anything else that makes sense, so had to give them hydro.
    Onu-Koro: Nuclear power (or at least something similar). An almost endless power source that you can just dig up from the ground. Remind anyone of lightstones?
    Le-Koro: Solar power. Let's double down on the jungle theme here and back off on the air theme. Jungle is a fine element. Plants grow using solar power. Plus Ta-Koro already had geothermal so someone needed to take solar.
    Po-Koro: Wind power. Stone was a dumb element anyway. Make Le-Koro be about plants and let Po-Koro be a big windy field with windmills all over the place.
    Regardless of what Lego does end up doing, it would be nice if we got a bit more worldbuilding for Gen 3 than we did for Gen 2.
    How would you worldbuild for Gen 3?
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