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Status Updates posted by Tilius

  1. Agreed - the crack in Amy's wall was on the TARDIS monitor at the end, so yeah I reckon it's something to do with the crack. And maybe the duck pond, and its lack of ducks. There were quite a few potential series arcs in that episode. And apparently there's the same enemy in every episode, so I'm going for the crack as a sort-of enemy.

  2. Agreed. Essentially, stuff like this does more good than harm, since it could potentially help/save someone even if it offends a few others. So yeah. :)

    - Tilius

  3. Ahah, made my day there!

    - Tilius

  4. And I'm disappointed that you're disappointed. Ahhh well.

    - Tilius

  5. And yes, I'm well aware that people don't share my opinion, lol. And in any debate, people stubbornly clinging to their beliefs is a bad thing - I promote open mindedness more than anything. But yeah, let's continue via PM.

  6. Awesomesauce. There are quite a few just-about-right tweed jackets on eBay, bowtie and braces shouldn't be too tricky. Also, his shirts are Paul Smith shirts, and they're going to be available again in their catalogue in summer (I think). If you can't find the right jacket you could always just go as the Flesh and Stone jacketless 11. :) I doubt you want to spend a huge amount on this,

  7. Congratulations.

  8. Cool story, bro. Anyhow, I don't really think love is particularly inappropriate or a touchy subject, lol. And perhaps your parents need to give stuff a bit of a rethink?

    - Tilius

  9. Cracks in time, bro, cracks in time.

    - Tilius

  10. Don't spammit, mate. :D

    - Tilius

  11. For chatting. But not to worry.

    - Tilius

  12. Hey Peabody, the Knight's Kingdom days were good, good times. Nice to see you're still about, we should catch up sometime!

    - Tilius

  13. I appreciate the judgements of a 14-year-old who has never spoken to me, I really do.

  14. I deleted it aaaages ago. :o

    - Tilius

  15. I don't seem to have had any requests....sure you put .co.uk?

  16. I had no idea that there was a page of status updates. That's pretty good. Doctor Who was pretty good tonight.

    1. Aurora the cat

      Aurora the cat

      Wait, WHAT! Is the new season running?!

  17. I just deleted my entries. I do that every now and again. It's a PURGE.

    - Tilius

  18. I know man, I got SUSPENDED for being reckless.

    - Tilius

  19. I think you're cool. I don't tend to think many people are cool, but you're alright. :)

    - Tilius

  20. I watched the first part of that, then the other parts wouldn't load so I didn't bother. I doubt I missed much, though.

    - Tilius

  21. I'm just happy to see Viewtiful Joe again, on the same screen as IRON MAN. Awesomesauce.

    - Tilius

  22. I'm not making fun of you at all, I'm just saying that sometimes it's good to step back and weigh up what's actually important. Is having a complete collection going to bring you happiness in the long-run? Is it worth the time, effort, and money? I used to be pretty completionist, too, but then realised it doesn't matter at all. Just sayin'. Think about what's really im

  23. I'm not online that much.

    - Tilius

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