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Everything posted by Jayk

  1. It'd be fantastic if we got a spoken language too, and not just an alphabet. Probably not, because that gets complicated, but I can dream...
  2. What we need is for TLG to establish an Okotoan language, then get Jeremy Soule to come in and arrange the prophecy of the Toa into something like this:
  3. If you mean "back on his own adventures", then yeah, that might take a revival or reboot of the theme. If you just mean you want him back as a minifigure, there's a new Johnny Thunder minifigure in one of this year's LEGO Movie sets, in his classic costume but now with a slightly modernized look! WHAT I still want him back with sets, but this is glorious news. Johnny's back!
  4. This is easily the best feedback I've been given on anything in my entire life. Kiina sort of did? It looks more like a claw than a fish fin and FAR too small to use here. I also never owned Kiina so that's a minor issue too. Hmm, gotcha. That's odd, I remember seeing a blue fin or shield from somewhere...guess not!
  5. That's always been my preferred approach; TLG's got a fantastic track record (pun intended) when it comes to creating their BIONICLE music.
  6. Hey, it could happen. Fishers is right, we shouldn't pick on him...
  7. Simple enough. What style would you like to see in BIONICLE G2, music-wise? I rather like the music used in the animations so far; it's a pretty good accompaniment for the whole mythic vibe they're trying to capture. If TLG wants something a bit more poppy for advertising, my personal best case scenario would be for them to go Guardians of the Galaxy on us and use old Motown tracks for all the commercials. Though I highly doubt that'd ever happen, sadly...
  8. I certainly don't want it back (spent a good page and a half saying so! ). I think Bfa said something similar... Yeahhh i was a bit behind when saying that heh. In that case, Motorhead please. "Killed by Death" can play every time the Toa beat down hordes of Skull Spiders. Would be perfect. --- Aanchir's totally got a good point with the distinction between thematic music and advertising too. For advertising purposes... gotta go with what's catchy really. ~|ET|~ That is a good point, true. I wonder just how big an effect it has? Edit: made a new topic for talkin' 'bout the noisy stuff
  9. I've put up two (very vague) teasers of the map and one of something related, but I want to get a bit further on before I put up anything bigger...I promise it'll be soon, though!
  10. I certainly don't want it back (spent a good page and a half saying so! ). I think Bfa said something similar...
  11. That does kind of emphasize what we're saying, though, since there was no album, BIONICLE did fine, and what music was used (in games and promo CDs and whatnot) is still considered to be part of the line's definitive sound.
  12. Congrats! It's a great feeling, ain't it?
  13. ...drawing a map of a continent that doesn't exist. And it's not even finished yet.
  14. HaHA! I'd never heard that term for it before... good point, if rock's dying, it's about time to bring back disco. Saturday Night Fikou?
  15. Legitimately hadn't thought of nor heard it in years until now, and I work at a radio station. I certainly can. I rather enjoyed it. As for rock, certain brands and genres are doing well, but you're right to an extent.
  16. http://i.imgur.com/l0OZie7.gif Crisis averted! Edit: Please link images over 750 kB. -Wind-
  17. Or let's actually do it and also say we did. If you want 2006-2009 BIONICLE again you can go watch 2006-2009 BIONICLE again. My thoughts exactly. They've got the chance to do something new; why not take it? Hey now, no need to get all ad hominem, chum.
  18. These new animations are lovely; easily the best look since 2002 (although I have a soft spot for Sayger's comics). I just wish the writing and narration were a bit better. now there's the song Bionicle 2015 was looking for. :L It's 11 years in the past and should probably stay there.
  19. The story wasn't that in-depth anyway, so I wouldn't see a problem with that. I'd just want Johnny Thunder back.
  20. It's not only been done before, it's been done to death, by BIONICLE and everyone else. We've hit restart, we've got a new beginning--let's do something different.
  21. I may have to retract my Goldblum... 3) No
  22. The only difference I can hear between the two is that Cryoshell's lead singer isn't as good. Perhaps I simply don't listen to enough of that genre...in any case, I don't mind them all that much as a band, I suppose. I just hope they're not involved with the reboot. We get enough of that Linkin Park/Green Day/"Wow I'm so edgy and rebellious making a tie-in song for a major franchise"/alt-rock malarkey as it is. I'd rather see TLG try something more unique.
  23. ...It took me a solid two minutes to realize what "MoUP" meant. I feel ashamed.
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