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Status Updates posted by Jayk

  1. I gots a blog now. And I wrotes a story.

  2. Jayk

    On LEGO.com, I mean.

  3. It's a great song. Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and Kris Kristofferson.

  4. Just changed it. :D

  5. Yep, pretty neat. Now it's the Sabres' turn. Hopefully. XD Blast our Buffalonian Luck! XD

  6. Great. :D Nice to see Gerbe score.

  7. Hmm...either A Wind in the Door or A Swiftly Tilting Planet, although A Wrinkle in Time is good, too.

  8. "I am Jack's Username".

  9. Just made a useful edit on BS01 for the first time in who knows how many years. Oh yeah.

  10. Totally changing it. And I might be able to do a bit o' guitar this weekend.

  11. And for good reason: we bothe love hockey. :D

  12. brakelatabasaasta feed me :wacko:

  13. Jayk

    You like Coldplay. You have an amusing username. You win. Thank you. Goodbye.

  14. Thanks, I sure hope so. Detroit's up 2 games to 0 now. This'll be a tough series, that's for sure.

  15. Thanks for putting that in your sig. I completely agree that the issue shouldn't be addressed here.

  16. Obtainer of rare antiquities.

  17. I see thou hath read Lord Of The Flies.

  18. Grace Kelly? Epic win.

  19. Not In Love (feat. Robert Smith)

  20. All the things I'm missin'--good vittles, love an' kissin'--are waitin' at the end of my ride.

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