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That Klaresh Dude

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Status Updates posted by That Klaresh Dude

  1. Cause I was surprised at how epic your name is. :P

  2. Hey guess what!

    I have a shiny Giratina, regice, regirock, registeel, raquaza, groudon, latias, spiritomb, grimer, gallade, arcanine, squirtle, mukip, lunatone, pichu, and kadabra on my platinum!

    and the only legends I need are: the 3 birds, Mesprit, raikou, latios, and Kyogre! (and I have all the formes of deoxys!!)

  3. I wonder how many comment he has...

  4. Happy birthday person I don't know. /:)

  5. new topic spread the word to all my friends!

  6. OK then fine IT's A WAR!!! a;fjiajf nvglkfu4e947 glksurf;aliut sglkaut wigag;ls[gnmsgl;kg glsgingsa;i;sgk'9i&*^^&%$$#&^^%*)__MHVDF KM

  7. ...MUDKIPZ XD XD XD XD (it's a pokemon XD)


  9. I'll be on yahoo tomorrow, or very late tonight.

  10. r u really 14?

    I ♥ SQUIRTLE!!!!!!

  11. 333 posts ago you had 666 posts! =O

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