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Field Marshal Rakmon

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Everything posted by Field Marshal Rakmon

  1. Thought of some more ideas for my Skyrim fic. The Nordic tombs are Bohrok hives. The Bohrok are Draugr, and Bohrok Kal are Dragon priests. The main problems with these are there are 9 types of Draugr and only 6 Bohrok, and 8 Dragon priests whilst 6 Bohrok kal, but it's the best i could think of.
  2. I'd say Ambush attack (a bit overpriced, but the awesome SUV is likely worth it) or Raptor chase. It has a giant Jeep... thingie and a beautiful Green Utahraptor. But with pronated hands. *rages*
  3. *Unsure whether to laugh at the Ponies toys or to hide from the people buying them*Ok, I like MLP, but not that much. Also, I generally detest McDonalds food.
  4. Well, I play as a Wood Elf, and I do think they are the most fun to play as, but I think Khajiits and Argonians are the best races. They both do barehanded damage above the normal amount (Khajiits do 15, Argonians 10), and they're both excellent thief characters (as are Wood Elves).But if you're serious, go into the console, and tcl into an Ancient Dragon or a Giant. Much more fun. :PHas anybody noticed how oddly easy the first Draugr Overlord in Bleak Falls barrow was? I killed him in maybe 20 seconds, on Master. Then, I met them later on in other dungeons. I was promptly roflstomped so many times I had to load a previous save to get out (same thing happens with Draugr Death overlords and Deathlords. >.<Also: I haven't been able to activate Blood on the ice yet. GraaaI've fast traveled to Windhelm and walked into the Cemetery so many times now. No funeral.
  5. YES GENIUSMainly I just need a setting. Also, who would the Thalmor be? I want it to be set in Sphereus Magna, since otherwise I won't be able to play out the whole Mid of Madness quest being Ignika and Mata Nui, but that's end-story, which throws off good settings for most other things. GRAAAlso, make a choice has to come out. Kill ALL the Blades! And later, Skyrim must pull a five part DLC Fallout New Vegas-esque wherein you destroy the second Aldmeri Dominion.Also if you don't mind I'm an Imperial because the Stormcloaks are Racist Power-Hungry Terrorists.
  6. Wait, why have so many staff been viewing my profile?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bioniclehero01


      They're watching you man... It's, like, a conspiracy. Fight the power! :P

    3. Hexann


      Now where have I heard that before.............

    4. Sybre


      I think -Windrider- watching me from the shadows within my house. Oh, hold on. There's someone in the shadows!

  7. Really? Most everybody I know agrees Morrowind has much better gameplay than Skyrim.Anyway, I have called you all here for a meeting of the utmost importance. I am planning on creating a BIONICLE parody of Skyrim in the epics forum. I already have several ideas (Alduin = Makuta teridax, Dragons = Rakshi, named Dragons = other Makuta, Dark Brotherhood = Dark Hunters, Mind of Madness quest (Sheogorath) = Ignika = Sheogorath w/ Mata Nui = Pelagius, etc.), but I need it to be fleshed out. Where should it take place? Should it be written as a comedy or an epic? Will it work out at all?
  8. But still, all Dinosaurs having pronated hands and the Pteranodon having a set of hands on each wing. WHY LEGO WHY
  9. Of course he's trying to take over; he's Smeag. NEVER FORGET Of course he's trying to take over; he's Smeag. NEVER FORGET BURN THE BAD SPELLING HERETIC
  10. Now I feel like writing a short story acting as a parody of Skyrim's "The Mind of madness" Quest which you get the Wabbajack from. I'd find that hilarious, but first I need to figure out who's Sheogorath and who's Pelagius. Mata Nui = Pelagius, Iggy = Sheogorath.MUST GET HOME TO BEGIN
  11. >Learns Derpy spoke recently>Learns Sheltering Suburban moms found it offensive and are protesting to remove DerpyI'm sure most of everybody here already knew that, but i haven't been watching MLP lately. :/
  12. Wait somebody tell the name of the episode so I can watch it later (Since each page is 40 posts, I don't have enough tiem to go searching).
  13. Reading through the topic, confused why people are complaining about the size of the animals (Especially raptors, Re: Utahraptor Ostrommaorstrum), and as of so far, nobody has even mentioned the pronated hands and hands on the Pterosaurs.
  14. I'd almost consider writing this into an epic, but I can't keep a central driving force behind a plot to save my my life and I'd just abandon it after a while (re: Every epic I've ever attempted to write except one, which isn't on this forum).My thoughts:This is genius, but you may be overthinking it to the point LEGO hasn't even imagined this. Very awesome though.
  15. ^WAIT WATWow, I haven't watched any episodes in months. A lot of videos taking clips from the show and forming memes on Google's video site, but no episodes. So, Hai. Bai.Flies off to the magical land of Skyrim to actually try to finish Elder knowledge*
  16. Hello everybody, it's that guy who posted that topic about "He's a big machine!" relating to the MoL movie. I haven't been online in months, so decided to come back today to post a note that had been bothering me since 2010. I trust you know how the Ignika has its own counsciousness, and how when Makuta banished Mata Nui into it, the Ignika's counsciousness was more or less overpowered and/or assimilated. But, it's been a while since than. Mata Nui went dormant in the Ignika IIRC. Does that mean the Ignika's counsciousness is back in control of itself?
  17. A new game I've had in my head for a while now. The first poster brings up two charcters from anywhere, be they fictious, dead, or made up. The next poster then claims which one of them will win in a fight, explaining how. He will then bring up two more characters. Example:Poster 1:Samus Aran Vs. John-117 (Master Chief) Poster 2: Samus. She's much faster than Chief and her weaponry appears to be stronger. Santa Claus Vs. Iron man.Go ahead, decide: Santa Claus Vs. Iron Man. Who will win?
  18. I'm still not entirely convinced MLP is a Fad. Would you call the fans of BIONICLE (that's technically how it's spelled, delawithit) members of a fad that will undoubtably die?Because We've been more or less keeping it going in a way two years after it ended. :shrug:
  19. NIERNIERNIERNIERNIERI don't have the slightest clue what it means, but it's fun to say.
  20. I get annoyed by the members. Go ahead, kill me. Well, mainly the massive amount of trolls in CoT. Oh, and I don't see why so many people think MLP is a fad. Would you call the fans of BIONICLE 'members of an annoying fad you can't wait to see die down?' please explain why you hate MLP. If it's purely because of Ponies and firendship, you have clearly never watched any of the show other than the Pilot and will promptly be ignored.
  21. Still only have Ambush Attack and triceratops trapper, but i got sometning like $130 for my Birthday, so I'm planning on buying Dino Defense base and Raptor Chase. I also wanna get T-Rex hunter but not as much, as my love for Dromaeosaurids (especially Utahraptor, which is the Raptor in this line) overrides Tyrannosaurs. Also, the DDB has a T-Rex in it that looks better IMO, so I'd rather have that.I don't really want the Sea sets w/ the Pteranodon though.
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