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Field Marshal Rakmon

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Everything posted by Field Marshal Rakmon

  1. All I'm asking is if it WAS Zaktan, why would he want to dive into a pool of EP? I'm sure he knows what it is and how dangerous it is. And I doubt he would want to be horribly mutated into a fusion with the other Piraka and some other random beings he's never met before in his life.
  2. All I'm saying, is that I'd love it if it turns out this is a secret plot twist that Ussal Crabs are actually the juvenile form of Manas. Eventually, in the next serial chapter, we are going to learn Pewku metamorphized into a Manas and went on a killing spree. he is the one who's been killing all these ancient, powerful beings.[/Troll]
  3. Does anybody know of a modification that spawns the Giants (You know, the 20 block tall Giant zombies that cause 8.5 hearts of damage that were in Survival test but left unused) naturally?I don't mean SPC's /spawn Giant command, I mean one that has them naturally spawn, preferably rarely like Spider Jockeys.
  4. Toys R Us. After getting Ambush Attack, I then got out some baseplates, found as many grass/green pieces as I could, and made a small scene where a terrified Dino minifig trudges through the jungle, with only the slightest clue of the Carnivore hunting him. I'd post pics, if it weren't for an arrow in the knee but I don't have a camera.
  5. I just got Ambush Attack and triceratops trapper. The ATV in Ambush attack is amazing, the Triceratops is amazing in Trike Trapper. The giant vehicle is cool as well, but I looove the Triceratops. It's very accurate. I want to get Raptor attack next, because that Utahraptor is awesome. I'm not sure about T-Rex Hunter, as since I don't own the set, but the T-Rex looks rather oversized.
  6. Uhh... Can I count Darkness as a Rakshi (That's how they're spelled, silleh Gramah nazis) power?Because I made a really awesome Shadow Rakshi MOC a while back (Still have it, but haven't taken any pics), and Shadow is awesome power.Um, could a Rakshi of Darkness that uses a Shadow Kraata use a Shadow hand?Because that would be AWESOME. Like, this awesome:Because that is AWESOME.
  7. Oh God. You may have just started a BZP meme. Is somewhat worried for the children*
  8. I feel like writing at times.Then I read stories like this.Then the half written draft commits suicide.Excellent work.
  9. And her next trick, the GREAT AND POWERFL Trixie will create yet another generic ###### fanfic about her!
  10. How do we knoe he was wnadering the desert and not helping Matoran or anything like that?Anyways i have to get back to writig that Botar short story kthxbye
  11. Um... Do the modular buildings count as a theme?Because those are amazing.
  12. Well, the first BIONICLE set I ever saw/touched was Pahrak Kal IIRC, but the first one I owned was Guurahk. I was five years old. Unfortunately, it's gone. Luckily, I have another one. In perfect condition w/ a level six Kraata (It's somewhere within my house, I know of that .
  13. Oh god.. Is Lady Gaga trolling us? :oAlso I have 1,337 replies. I win my $1000 Internets now, as detailed in Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy.
  14. In other words, 'Your story sucks, I'm sick of reading bad Minecraft stories." How about you actually give me a suggestion on how I could better write instead of just criticizing other people's work and leaving?
  15. When I'm Gone, by Eminem. A beautiful, moving, emotional song BTW.
  16. Sharply inhaling, the man sat up. He wasn’t sure where he was, or why he was here. As a matter of fact, he wasn’t sure of anything. Looking around, he attempted to get his bearings. He was in a… What would it be called? He grasped for memories, trying to recall he slightest detail, but alas, like many things, it evaded him. He was on a patch of some material. He wasn’t sure what to call it. He eventually decided he liked the name ‘Dirt’. He couldn’t tell much of anything around where he was. Getting up, he walked slightly forward, going straight into more dirt. Falling over, he turned around, got back up, and noticed high up, there seemed to be something. He frowned. Taking in what he was seeing, he realized with a start the two appendages attached to him. He was able to control and move them the way he saw fit. Wondering, he began poking the dirt. After sufficiently examining it, the dirt fell to the ground. Intrigued, he learned he could carry the dirt with him. He didn’t really understand why he should, though, and placed the dirt back onto the ground. It morphed from a small pile into a solid shape on the ground. He attempted to walk over it. Tripping, he fell onto the dirt. Realizing something, he began hitting more dirt. After sufficiently gathering a large amount of dirt, he began placing dirt shapes beside him. Tripping, he realized he had two more appendages at the bottom of his body. He could control these as well. He raised one of his appendages onto the dirt. He tried putting force on the dirt with his appendage. In this way, he learned to step. Stepping onto more dirt, the man was finally able to escape from the area in which he had been within earlier. The area around him was entirely different from his old area. This caused an odd feeling, and he found he was- He decided to call it blinking, from the sound it made. Blinking, he was able to get used to this new world. It was entirely made of shapes in the same way as dirt, but these were in some inconceivably way, different. He realized he had one last appendage: this, when he moved it, would show him different things of the place around him. This took in the oddest things from the surrounding areas through a hole in the middle of it. Another hole, closer to the bottom of it, made sounds. “Steve.” He remembered that, for one thing. Steve was the man. He was Steve. He began looking around, and thinking, suddenly realizing: Steve- him- he was the only one. He was alone.This is a nice little story I've been writing. There's going to be more to it, this is the first chapter. How is it?
  17. Question: If you wrote a Minecraft Fanfic story, would you need to post it here?
  18. So yeah, new game I thought of. The member before you- describe his post rank. Like, whoever replies to me first will say something witty about how I am an aquatic Guardian. If you have upwards of 1,000 posts, please reply as your Post ranks are better.
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