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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Tifosi 92

  1. System? You mean like Xbox 360? :D


    BZP>Xbox in my opinion. BZP encourages creativity and discussion, while 360 encourages the opposite. :P


    I think Lego threw away a huge opportunity with TLR. I mean, I think the least they could've done was make the action less cartoony, and I didn't even see that in any of the previews we got. I think it's safe to say I'll be waiting for this one to re-air over TV before I watch it.

  2. By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?

    Wait are they disabled or something?


    Whoops. Fixing that now...I was wondering why I wasn't getting any comments. *facepalm*


    I was wondering too. :P


    Gibbs sounds okay by the way. :) It reminds me of Tibbs for some reason, and it's driving me nuts 'cause I can't figure it out. *lol*


    EDIT: I think I've got it. Wasn't Sgt. Tibbs the name of the cat on the original "101 Dalmations"?

  3. It's a kitten! :lol:


    I'd say my best shot at a name would probably be something Bionicle-related, unfortunately. Something like "Taka". That would probably end up sounding too much like "taco", though. :P


    By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?

  4. Pardon me for being a little out of the loop, but I've neither played Portal or heard of the "All your bases are belong to us." (Although I have a hunch it's from "Starcraft" or something).


    1. "Well I'll be a capitalist forklift!"


    2. "Life force bingo."


    3. "I am cardboard elite."


    4. "Note the imperial saucepan."


    5. "Bug repellant and flamethrowers do not mix."


    6. "I think I can smell boulder emergency rate and keep Wallace. You are out."


    7. "Me can clean room and Great Britain DVD sales, as you know."


    8. "I almost got owned by a flying couch!"


    9. "Not to the best of my recollection."


    All of these are original; most are drawn from random (really random :P) conversations with my brother. :D

  5. "Viewer discretion is advised." *lol* It's not like he's got laser vision or anything, right? :lol:


    I don't know if I like him better with or without goggles... You've put me between a rock and a hard place on that decision. :P


    Nonetheless, he looks really good. Your best job on eyes, yet, I'd say; even better than in "Hesitation". ^_^


    *gets zapped by laser vision*

  6. I have a mansion, forget the price

    Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice

    I live in hotels, tear out the walls

    I have accountants pay for it all


    My Maserati does 185,

    I lost my license, now I don't drive.

    I have a limo, ride in the back.

    I lock the doors in case I'm attacked.


    One of my all-time favorites. :lol: "Hole in the World" is an awesome song, too.

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