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Tifosi 92

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Blog Comments posted by Tifosi 92

  1. I keep telling you to print that off... it'd be a handy bedtime story. :P It may be better to wait until I'm done revising it, though, because I'm just not happy with the feel of some of the later chapters. Maybe it'll feel more like Burning Bridges or The Sniper when I'm done with it; that's my goal, at least.

    Well I want to print it out but our printer has no ink in it and yeah...but I'll definitely save it when you edit it all. How many chapters have you revised? I can just read/print a little at a time.


    Only the first one so far, and I've made little headway into the second one. I'd like to get an entry for the Core War contest up before long, because I have an idea I'd really like to execute, but S&D is still a priority. I've also got two songfics that I'd like to write, but all the projects keep piling up and I'm afraid I might not get a chance to finish them all.

  2. I will. If I remember. Which I'm awful at. =P


    That makes two of us. *lol*


    Make sure to post a new entry when you get some more writing stuff up; I'll try to review it, then.




    I'll always link to any new writing stuff here, so you can always check my blog to see if I've got anything new.


    You better post some new stuff, I'm craving to read some good stories.


    Or I could catch up with S&D sometime...


    I keep telling you to print that off... it'd be a handy bedtime story. :P It may be better to wait until I'm done revising it, though, because I'm just not happy with the feel of some of the later chapters. Maybe it'll feel more like Burning Bridges or The Sniper when I'm done with it; that's my goal, at least.

  3. Removing myself from BZP didn't help either when I was having a hard time studying. It's like taking yourself away from your friends--all it does is completely isolate you. For some people that's good, but others can't live like that. (I know I can't :P)


    As for motivation--it's always fickle for me. It's easy to stay motivated to do anything when things seem to be on track, but as soon as life just seems to become derailed, it does indeed get harder. The surest way for me was to take pride in the work I was doing. It really helps to pat yourself on the back for achieving something you previously weren't able to do.


    Speaking of TV series, I've recently become hooked on a late 80's/early 90's show: Quantum Leap. The plot is uncannily similar to a story I planned on writing once. It's a sci-fi/adventure series, and you might be interested in it. :)


    EDIT: Just noticed something else--is the Lady writing in color again?

  4. Ah, that stinks. You gotta be careful with things like that. When on BZP, I've learned it's best to not reference any filtered words or any other websites unless you're allowed to. Hopefully you'll get it back by reporting som stuff. :)


    That stinks, sorry about that. I'm sure you'll get it back--a lot of big members today got theirs back after those mishaps.


    Wait, what? Was there an error in the proto log or something? Or did a bunch of people bypass the filter accidentally?

  5. I'm very much excited to see how this turns out. Needs pictures though, or uh well...it didn't happen?


    We'll have some screenshots up before too long, hopefully; still working on that. I would attach pictures to a blog entry or something, but it won't let me. :P Trust me, though, it is very much in the works and on its way.


    Oh, and did I mention that the Midak Skyblaster is fully automatic and has rapid-fire capabilities? :P

  6. People are having ego complexes, or something like that--I think it's some Internet fads/memes that have caused it. I honestly don't know. I don't want to come off as judgmental/hypocrite, but I really think people need an attitude adjustment, or something. Certain people are sacrificing a lot just to make themselves look bigger. There are better ways to get attention and popularity.


    I'm just so sick of internet fads that I honestly just wish they'd evaporate. :P Don't get me started on the attitude adjustment--I think the world needs a major attitude adjustment. Some people just don't realize what they have in a number of ways, and they take advantage of it rather than honoring what they do have and being thankful for it. If some cyber-representation of themselves means more to them than who they really are, then... they're no better than Szian's copy. :P I agree that there are much better ways to attain popularity, but I don't think "popular" is something that people should aspire to be. They should aspire to be good and do what's right, even if that's unpopular. I'm ranting here, so I'll just end with this quote whose speaker I can't remember: "What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular."


    Gotta agree with LK here. People generally aren't the same on the Internet, where they can be whatever they want to be and seem however they make themselves. And yeah, some people just need to learn they're not on top of the world (I needed that lesson only a year ago).


    But there are other things to consider as catalysts for erratic behavior, like stressful phases when school starts, sports that kids hate because they can't win a game, fads running amok giving people faux identities, etc. I may not be the best person to make a judgment on this, but IMO this should even out eventually when things don't get so hectic.




    I try really hard to stay as true to myself as I can online; I don't want to be someone I'm not, because then you're living a lie, which will always bite you in the rear sometime or another. Trust me on this. :P Sometimes I think that people take their ability to do that for granted, and I think it would require a very rough lesson to cut them down to size and show them reality. They live in a fallacy, and that won't get anyone anywhere--no matter how sweet that fallacy may be--because it isn't reality. And if they don't ever learn that, it'll be much harder on them later.


    I personally think that stress for school or the times would be more an excuse than a reason--people take advantage of that and use it as an excuse to behave the way they do. Perhaps they're doing it subconciously, but I have felt that way before. It always takes a fall to get back up again; no matter how stable you may think you're walking, you can always be walking straighter, and there will most likely always be someone falling more than you and someone walking straighter than you no matter how hard you try. It's life.


    Whew! *lol*

  7. People just seem ruder, if you want the blunt truth. It's been going on way before the name change fad. I have had a blog entry saved on word for some time now--trying to decide if I really want to publish it. It's kind of about this same thing.


    I have noticed that BZP's mentality has changed a lot over just the last month. People haven't seemed more rude so much as they just aren't themselves anymore--with their display names and their personalities. Maybe they are being more rude; I don't know. I do think that some people just don't seem to care about BZP as much anymore, though. Fewer people seem to be reporting topics, for example. It's kind of demoralizing, because it takes a bit of the incentive away from me to help out because fewer people are anymore.

  8. Woohoo some info on it at last.


    Okay I've got the general idea, so let me get this quetions straight;

    I will only be avalible for XP and Vista?


    And here is another question about the beta testing.

    Will you ask for my home email to send me the files or will you do it through BZP?


    Thanks if you can answer those and I'm looking forward to it. :)




    It works across all known versions of Windows, I believe, although we haven't tetsted it on anything older than Windows 2000. The main point is that it does work on the newest versions of Windows, while the original Doom engine might not function properly.


    As for the beta-testing, we still haven't determined how we'll be hosting the files. However, everything involving the game will take place on BZP. No info outside of BZP needs to be given. :)

  9. Usually when I have writer's block, I end up waiting it out until I become inspired by something. So, I might not be much of a help here. :P However, I have found that when I've had writer's block, it's usually when I've got more ideas than I can handle, not the other way around. Just shift through the ideas in your head, and go with the one that you've been meaning to do the longest or are most partial to. Find the one you want to write the most, and just start writing. You'll either be surprised with what you do end up writing, or what you write will be pretty discouraging. :P If worst comes to worst, you can only wait it out. Try to just look farther into normal stuff for inspiration, and let your mind go free. Or you could try to write something completely different from what you're used to. I guess for me writer's block either means that I've got too many ideas or my mind is telling me to look elsewhere for them. I usually get inspired by the strangest things when that happens. :P


    Finding your own style? I can't say I have a distinct style myself, although I've seen that you handle the creation of settings excellently. I'd say that you might want to find some exotic settings in which to place your works, because that's one of your strong points. And, it always pays to work on grammar, too. *lol*


    Hope this helped at least a little; not sure that writers's block is the same for everyone. :P

  10. Search and Destroy


    If you're coming in here for the first time, please know that a review would be mush appreciated!

    Small typing error there.


    As much as I'd love to write a review I'm afraid I just can't. The maximum I could say will probably be 'It's a good story' and that's not much. Anyway I have read the first chapter and I think it's a great story so far. :)


    I couldn't write to save my life, and I'm top set English at school. :P




    Fixed--thanks for pointing that out.


    You can read the whole thing if you want, I don't mind, but if you wait for the revisions you'll (hopefully) get a much better story.

  11. Awww...that just stinks.


    Tell me about it. I honestly don't know who I'll be supporting in F1 next year. I guess you can say I'll just be watching the races to watch the races. It's going to be a very different season.


    I on the other hand am an Alonso fan and I am more than happy to see a first class driver such as Alonso move to a very competative team such as Ferrari.




    Well, I said in the F1 topic: I hope he gets the worst luck like Kimi, and I want Massa to out shine him. It would be nice to see Vettel win though, and beat them all in the end anyway. :P


    *cough cough* jealous. Though don't call me a Tifosi you guys are loyal Ferrari fans I am a loyal Alonso fan. And don't be said either its not life of dea *BOOM*

    However I don't want Kimi to leave F1 forever cause that certainly would suck.




    Can't say I'm happy or sad to see Fernando at Ferrari. I don't know what to feel. A part of me wants to see him do well, because Ferrari does owe it to him, but another part of me still wants Kimi to win if he's racing next year.


    It'll be a real renaissance for Ferrari if they ever pick Vettel up.

  12. When I heard the term Island of Doom, my first thoughts were a crossover between LOST and Indiana Jones. Oh, and there was a Bionicle book titled that.




    The title is based on the title of that book on purpose, but we chose it specifically because it's a bit of a tribute to Doom, which uses the same programming engine that our game does. You're partly correct about the Indiana Jones/LOST similarity. :)


    You see you are a blogging person after all.


    Oh and Island of Doom is a game that the Tifosi duo are making. Though I'm still not 100% sure about the plot.




    The Tifosi duo, yes, but you guys are helping, remember? :P


    I'll probably give a rundown of the plot soon. If all goes to plan, then this game will be a revolutionary publication when it becomes available in the FCG forum. :evilgrin:

  13. Judging by the dates on the comments, I'm assuming this isn't the first time you've bumped this.


    I wholeheartedly agree that there is a definite lack of regard for useful reviews in not just the art forums, but across all of BZP. Maybe not so severely in the library, but I have noticed that Bionicle Comics and Comedies really suffer from a lack of useful reviews. The comments people leave about the stories tend to be as nonsensical as some of the stories themselves, and the real talent gets buried under all the rather spammy works, which discourages creativity in any form within either of those forums. I think that people don't understand that there is a difference between a review/comment and a post. At least, in my opinion, a review tells the creator of a work why the viewer likes/dislikes it, and the really good ones offer an opinion on how the creator of the work can improve it and advice for future works. A post is generally just a small comment on the subject matter. Simple posts don't necessarily serve to encourage creativity in any forum.


    The other forums in the library suffer from the opposite problem, I think. People are intimidated not only by the way other people construct reviews, but also with the rules of the forum. People don't leave as many reviews because they're afraid of either leaving a poor review or violating the rules. Comedies and comics don't have this problem because so many people use the threads for chatting about the story rather than for actual reviews that people think that's okay before checking the rules; it's the mainstream behavior there. If more people wouldn't get discouraged and just write up at least a little more than a paragraph worth of honest comments/critique, I think the library forums would be a little busier, and people would be more likely to write reviews if they saw more people doing it. I'd say more, but then I'd probably just be repeating you.


    In short, I think people gravitate to the simpler works probably because they think those are easier to review.


    Bravo, LK.

  14. Yay you got a blog. :P


    Well, since the entry wasn't really about anything, all I have to say is this: Good luck with Premiership, and thanks a lot for linking H'sD here! I'd link S&D in my blog, except my Premier perks are over and I can't.


    So congratulations on all of this!


    You're welcome! :) You ought to check out some of the other stories over there, too, if you haven't already.

  15. lol. People bump their entries all the time.

    But I admit, it's most annoying unless they have a reason to bump it other than just getting more comments. Blegh.


    Agreed. Which was why I was ticked off at myself when I did it. :P


    Now see, if I ever get a blog my first entry will be about something: How you didn't make a first entry about something. :P


    If you ever get a blog. :evilgrin:


    (Oh my gosh Tifosi 92 made a blog)


    Anyway nice to see you finally made one.


    F1 rants

    Please no we've had enough of them, how about F1 news or race summaries.


    OM NOM NOM gah wrong blog >.<




    Anything I have to say about F1 will be here, actually. That does include rants, but also my takes on each race and on news. Doesn't mean I won't visit the topic anymore, though. :)

  17. Believe me, I find that aggrivating as well, espiecially after translating Latin almost nonstop for the last week. :P I'm actually tempted to change it to "semper", although "sempre" sounds more lyrical.


    Change it. [/Jedi mind trick] =P


    Though, are you trying to make it Latin, or some other language?


    It's Italian; read the "Welcome!" content block. :P


    I plan to make this my primary HQ for anything concerning our WIP game, Island of Doom, any F1 rants, or writing stuff, so you could find any of that here. :)


    Sounds cool, sounds cool [especially the writings stuff]. Though, what's Island of Doom?




    Comma messup there; I'll edit that out. Island of Doom is the name of the Doom-engined Bionicle first-person-shooter game that my brother and I are developing. The one you'll be testing, remember? :P I'll keep you guys updated with the progress we're making as we get closer to its completion. When we're ready for release, this'll probably be the first place you'll hear about it. :)

  18. Finally. =P


    And, grrr; your title bugs me 'cause in Latin it's 'Semper' not 'Sempre'. =P


    Also, if you have any writing stuff planned, you should post it here. As well as any other ramblings.


    Oh and blog graphics, eventually.




    Believe me, I find that aggrivating as well, espiecially after translating Latin almost nonstop for the last week. :P I'm actually tempted to change it to "semper", although "sempre" sounds more lyrical.


    I plan to make this my primary HQ for anything concerning our WIP game Island of Doom, any F1 rants, or writing stuff, so you could find any of that here. :)


    I would create some graphics and stuff, but I have no image-hosting capabilities with which to use them. They'll have to wait until some point in the future.


    When I can't think of an entry, I either ramble on about something no one cares about, or post a meaningless update on my Internet/BZP stuff, cuz the meaningless updates about my life aren't worth the trouble to type out XP


    Well, that's my best job at a rant about nothing. :P I didn't really wan't to do anything too important for my first entry anyway.


    Greetings, I will check in with this new blog from time to time.


    Thanks. :)


    I'm actually surprised to see so many comments so quickly. Thanks guys!

  19. Since you're my totally awesome buddy, I trust that you can just tell me if you get it.


    I accidentally landed the 10,000th view on SPIRIT's profile, so I'm feeling lucky. :P


    I will take a screencap if I do end up with it, and I promise I'll show it to you when (if ever :P) I have the ability to host images. *lol*

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