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Tifosi 94

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Everything posted by Tifosi 94

  1. Don't go there... =P

  2. Tifosi 94

    End Of An Era

    Well, I said in the F1 topic: I hope he gets the worst luck like Kimi, and I want Massa to out shine him. It would be nice to see Vettel win though, and beat them all in the end anyway.
  3. Tifosi 94


    Where do you think we got the idea? And take a wild guess which Island the game takes place on? *lol*
  4. Tifosi 94

    First Entry

    Now see, if I ever get a blog my first entry will be about something: How you didn't make a first entry about something.
  5. I'm in the process of sending you messge... Hold your horses. =P

  6. I was doing school since there was a server meltdown. =P

  7. I told you that our latest Top Gear season was 07 right?

  8. Actually this is the one my brother started off with. Don't worry, I just PMed Zeddy asking for him/her/"it" to make me a sig and avartar. After that it will be back to normal. =P

  9. You mean PMs right?

  10. Math is the hardest mainly because book my course supplies is horrible. >_

  11. And you're still signing off as Toa Velox. =P

  12. Your The Dark knight now eh?

  13. Don't ever say blog on my profile again.

  14. You do know I have scool to do during the day. =P

    I may be homeschooled but that doesn't mean I can sit around here all day. *lol*

  15. Well, that's my fault on that part. I haven't been a good mood lately do to some personal problems and that may provoked me. By the way, I do like you personal pic. *lol*

  16. Death spell? What are you talking about? *lol*

    Anyway, it was May who said it, in the episode where he races "Two scallywags on bikes" in a Fiat 500. =P

  17. Ditto. :P

    But like the ancient philosopher Clarksonious (Late 2000 A.D.) once said: "How Hard can it be?"

    Which episode is that from, and who said it? =P

  18. The word filter is hilarious on this site. Keep up the good work guys! XD

  19. Clarkson is my favorite too. mostly becasue he has same taste in cars as I do.

    He is a big cool dude at sometimes though. The word "cool dude" used in it's most positive form of course. =P

  20. So who is your favorite host on that show? May, Hamster, Or Clarksonious?


  21. That's how I feel about "Eye-brow man"You've just got to love Top Gear. =P

    But yeah, that would be an interesting letter to recieve. *lol*

  22. That last sentence sounded screwy. *lol*

  23. Yeah, that was our latest season... I think the newest one that we've gotten I think was the 07 season with the axe murderer with headlights. =P

  24. What season of Top is it when Jeremy take the NSX out to Laguna Seca to try and beat his time on the PS3?

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