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Tifosi 94

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Everything posted by Tifosi 94

  1. About Burnout, that is.

  2. I'm agreeing with my brother about everything he just said. =P

  3. Yes, that's because I spelt his name like "Fernado" in one of the sigs. So I deleted the message and edited the sig before you got it. =P

  4. You are the only person on this site that I know of, who has there comments set to "Approve first" beside me, my brother, and sister. =P


  5. Tifosi 94


    Math is a pain, I'm hoping you know what 1+1 is.
  6. Dang it bro. you stole my joke. =P

  7. On the topic of your avatar: What is your avatar?

  8. How come when you add the words, "riboflavin" and "thiamine" to a food name, it just sounds really un-appetizing .

  10. Tifosi 94

    Macadamia Nuts

    I never knew B6 was a playing card.
  11. That many? Wow, how the time goes by... Well, I guess congrats! I have zero so you are officialy 200 ahead of me. This reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Uncle Leo almost keels over dead because he ate too many. But yeah, I have never liked nuts because I get some weird stomach reaction then it goes downhill from there... Or up...
  12. Yeah, if you want help with Xbox, drop me a line. =P

    We have a PS3 too though so... either way. =P

  13. Cool! If you need any advice or anything about Xbox, drop me a line! =)

  14. Tifosi 94


    BZP gets slow sometimes because they are doing server back-ups more often.
  15. Look out in the F1 topic. I just went on a huge rant. =P

  16. I don't need AIM when I have Xbox. B6 you owe me a game of CoD by the way.
  17. Tifosi 94

    Fan Fiction

    I think the problem most people have is they don't understand your job in full.
  18. Oh my SPRIT has more control than he did before. Run for the hills everybody! =P

  19. Let me be the first: What. Theheck. Is Guy Fawkes day?
  20. Happy late birthday!

  21. To be honest it's not THAT bad... =P You do learn a lot though. The forget the next day so you can learn it all again! (Joking =P)

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