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Tifosi 94

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Everything posted by Tifosi 94

  1. And to not talk about Ferrari until everthing is settled and decided. Apologies exepted?

  2. I would like to apologize if anything I said in the F1 topic offended you. I guess I am right, F1 is a really touchy subject for some people. When I say that, I'm referring to both of us.

    Anyway, sorry mate, maybe we should just sick to talking about the sport in general ok. =P

  3. I log in invisibly. =P

  4. I answered the question! =P No we don't know who the stig is.

  5. Dang it! "Well", not "wel". =P

  6. Oh, wel... But I will tell you this: Once you have seen the infinite power of the Wunderwaffe DG-2, you'll change your mind. =P

  7. Cool, have you got the new map pack for CoD 5 yet?

  8. We haven't figured out yet... This "new" season we got was the 06 season. It just ended a week ago I think, so we'll haveto wait 'till next year or December for the actual "new" season.

  9. Hey, just refresh my memory: You play Call of Duty correct?

  10. I love that car... *Dreams*

    But I do want ask: Who in their right mind thought it would be cute to put a 6.3 Litre V8 in a car the size of a Honda Civic? Because I would like to shake their hand. =P

  11. I don't know who turned that on.. O_o

    But hey! I can use the force. Duh. =P

  12. But I wasn't! :D

    So I'm more powerful now, which means I can kick your scrawny *Lightsaber turns on* whenever I want. =P

  13. Top Gear trivia question: What car did Clarkson call "An axe murderer with headlights" *lol*

  14. *Strikes self down*

    *In haunting Obi-wan voice*

    Now what are you gonna do? I struck myself down! =P

  15. Oh don't worry, I ideted the heck out of that thing. Looks more like a Desert Eagle now. But at least I have the base outline done. I'll touch it up when you get done with official look.

  16. Thanks for posting that sketch dump! In doing so I had a perfect side veiw of the KS-13 for a pick-up sprite. There's one down, 6 more to go. =P

  17. Other people will look at our profiles and have no clue what we're talking about. =P

    And yeah if I have the time I'll do that. I've got to get to work on finishing textures and scenery for our game though. Not to mention some school too.

  18. *Takes Jedi weapon and strikes down SPIRIT*


  19. Oh, and no, I haven't seen the Valencia preview. =P

  20. The only alternative I see to that is allow to choose (Example) Fisi on Ferrari and Force India. And when you do races, it would just select random people for the teams that did have driver changes. So you would be racing against Piquet one race, then Grojean on another.

  21. I think they'll do what EA did with 2002. How the grid line up was at the start of the season is what they'll use for the game. In F1 2002, Arrows was a team and they didn't even make it through the season.

  22. I've played the demo of Grid, and I'm in the same boat as you. Code masters (I hope) is going too make any other F1 game look like SNES material. =P

  23. Um... None of the F1 games we had (F1 1997 N64 and F1 2002 GameCube) had comentary, but they did have annoying pit radio people.

    If they have comentary though, I hope there's a way to shut it off, that way it's just you and the sound of the car at the point. =P

  24. Ditto, that's the game that my brother and I can't wait to get for xbox.

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