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Tifosi 94

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Everything posted by Tifosi 94

  1. Do you mean American football or football as in soccer?

    And that must have been embarrassing. At that point I imagine you would be defending something other than the goal... =P

  2. Since you live in Berlin, have you seen the Reichstag in person?

  3. Clarkson definitely is my favourite too. He always does the best when reviewing the faster cars. :P

  4. Collectively, you rule one sidewalk tile, and o what a grand tile it is. Thats the one where the nuke comes out if someone tries to revolt correct?
  5. Are my brother and I high up in your Empire? Or are we the ones still ridding your palace of over sized sigs.
  6. A little late, but happy 17th.

    My sister says happy birthday too!

  7. So what did you think of the race?

  8. We go to this Asian fusion restaurant around where we are and have gotten to know the staff well. It's pretty funny, because we're known as "The Diet Coke Family".
  9. And from reading the comment that you left on my brother’s profile, yes, it’s good to see another F1 fan on the site. Oh, and I don’t have anything against Brawn, just defending Ferrari! : )

  10. McLaren and Red bull got up there by using money too. Brawn, by the way, is using the car that Honda started to develop mid way through 2008. So Brawn too, pretty much used Honda’s massive budget to get the car they have, because Brawn did very little to the design of the car, which was Honda’s. And when Brawn wins as many races, championships, etc. as Ferrari, THAT’S when they w

  11. I'm not sure, it was when Irvine was racing for Ferrari, so some where in between 1996-1999... Dang 1999 was TEN years ago... Time flies! :)

  12. Oh boy, rain at Monaco is always a pain... Only 3 cars finished one year...

  13. Pink Floyd is the way to go! One of my favourite bands, nice posters! B)
  14. I love the personal statement. ^_^

  15. URA! URA! URA!


  16. Tifosi 94

    Are U Busy?

    I have experience in using Macromedia fireworks, paint etc. but I am currently making a game. Considering the game uses the DOOM engine, and that takes time to make, I will not be able to help for a certain period of time. (4 to 6 months at best) I would like to apply to help in the future though. *Drops line*
  17. Yep, I am 92's brother. The numbers at the end of our names indicate are birth years.

  18. I have no idea why I said but, or spelt their and losing wrong.

    Garg! brain cramp!

  19. Yes, it's sad, but Ferrari is loosing there touch...

    *Hides head in hands*

  20. Well, I've told you in the PM system. Call Of Duty: World at War It has got trophies too!
  21. To quote my brother, You have the most awsome banner.

    The 599 Fiorano is my favourite Ferrari besides the F430 Spyder.

  22. A little late, but...

    Congrats on being an Oustanding BZPer mate!

  23. Tifosi 94

    I Really Hate

    I can't stand it when people put their turn indicator on to signal that the person IN FRONT of them is turning. Or when people our too lazy to turn their high beems off, especialy on a blind corner. :angry:
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