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BS01 Poll Mistress

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Everything posted by BS01 Poll Mistress

  1. BS01 Poll Mistress


    Welcome to the brother/sister-hood MI! -Meg
  2. As if mine will be any good. *shrug*

  3. @DL: Oooh yeah. ;)

    @Ebezenar McCoy: I manage the polls on Bioniclesector01. The official title is Poll Master, but I'm a girl, so hence the Mistress.

  4. Same here, kinda. I have a 3-4 inch scar on my arm that's a 1/2 inch wide. People ask about it all the time. Gets annoying. But hey, that just means that we're different.
  5. Why do I like Star Wars? -Meg
  6. Youth Group. Love it. We had our seventh annual Youth Conference on the 27th. It was awesome. Youth Groups are always fun. -BS01 Poll Mistress
  7. I know. I was just meaning to say "yeah, it is nice. thanks. I'm just doing it for this month though." I hope I didn't sound mean.

  8. I officially am disgusted with you for a year. I might forgive you at the end of that period. -Meg
  9. Welcome back Boss.


  10. I'm a girl. I'm the Poll Master. I'm from BS01.

    And I ain't gonna be male, so that's the February Name.

    Don't see what's so funny about it though.

  11. It's just a monthly thing.

  12. Ah. Our car failed today. You're not alone. -Hanahlii
  13. Hm, I'm sure you edited this thing. I would give you a few bucks for some sketches if I wasn't totally broke (except for ten bucks, which I am going to buy fuzzy socks for two of my friends with) and not allowed to buy stuff online.
  14. It isn't that. It's such a small working area for me, and I do large drawings--I get cramps very easily. Lately after thinking about it, I may be leaning toward the MP3 player...I've been paranoid at my files lately, and I need more space for my music. Not to mention I think the mp3 player I'm looking at is a whole $100 cheaper. Hmm... Cramps... ugh. I always get them when I'm swimming. Not comfortable at all. I'd go for the MP3 if I were you. I need my iPod shuffle (not the new kind, the older, bigger one) just to get through a day with all my siblings. And when my cats won't get off my feet.
  15. Happy New Year Everyone!

  16. Yaaaay. I lived through the first day of 2010. Yaaay.
  17. We're goin' over to my church to play games and stay up New Years Eve. Don't you looove it when you are forced to stay up? BTW, it's not New Years Eve yet. It's still morning (at least for me).
  18. Never seen it. Don't really care to. (Hanahlii reserves the right to electrify, shoot, shoot again, stab, hang, or poison any being that attempts electrifying, shooting, shooting again, stabbing, hanging, or poisoning her.) (Hanahlii also reserves the right to determine what is "her") -Hanahlii
  19. Yeah, except some can't buy them. Anyway. My answer...... ... number three.
  20. And a Merry Christmas to you too, MI.

  21. You gotta love breakdowns. They have to fix it or you sue.
  22. That's the truth. I was dying because I work at Akilini Enterprises as a Graphic Designer, and all the stuff I needed was on here.
  23. I'm not new to BZP, I just looked at it as a guest. I do well with sprites though, and was on the BS01 Game Team, but it's disbanded now.

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