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Toa Blackout

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Everything posted by Toa Blackout

  1. Toa Blackout

    Tobduk Polls

    Thanks for posting about the polls. I wouldn't have seen them if it wasn't for you. (and i am winning my poll )
  2. Toa Blackout


    i hope nepeta doesnt die i will hate gamzee if he kills her
  3. I want that so much. It even says its legal tender.
  4. Toa Blackout


    i dont have braces also if there only for a year and a half they will be gone in 4 pain-filled and annoying months
  5. Linked for massive size thoughts? also sorry for only one pic
  6. Toa Blackout

    Magna Charta

    Whats the Magna Charta? Is it some mispelling of the document Magna Carta? >=( DARN YOU KOTH
  7. So he has started to outgrow his tank. And I talked with my father today and made this decision. I do not want Poseidon living outside with such harsh temperature changes. He is from South America around the equator were there is hardly any major temperature changes like here. So I am going to start saving up all the money I receive for supplies to make Poseidon a indoor pond. Hopefully by the time he completely outgrows his small 40 gallon tank, my brother shall have moved out (hes 21 and he is making lots of money). So I now I am not going to buy anything for the next several months. Hopefully with all the money I get for my Birthday (last time I got over 300 dollars) and the money I get from working out at Gator Country (lets see 7.25 x 9 hours a day x 5 days a week so 60 days of work = iunno alot) I have enough to get the things I need.
  8. Dear Vriska, How about during a hurricane with 90 percent humidity, no power, and 98 degree temp? For 3 weeks. Now that is extreme weather
  9. Toa Blackout

    New Name

    Decided to use the name Brickeens suggested to me on skype. But with a Toa in front cause Blackout is taken.
  10. Toa Blackout

    Eagle Eye

    Taken is an amazing movie. I recommend you go watch it.
  12. ... What is your freaking humidity, -100%?! XP Usually 60-80 percent due to the fact I live on the Gulf of Mexico down here in Texas. I am a very warm-natured person. Wait, if you live down there, how the frick do you get 28 degree weather!? Wonderous things called cold fronts
  13. ... What is your freaking humidity, -100%?! XP Usually 60-80 percent due to the fact I live on the Gulf of Mexico down here in Texas. I am a very warm-natured person.
  14. 28 degrees is perfect for me. Short sleeve shirt and shorts weather.
  15. I was hoping you'd show up to support this idea :> -- Lord Oblivion Who is Katy Perry? also definately not gonna be kanye west
  17. This is an awesome movie. So far in the past two days I've watched a bunch of movies. I have watched: Hancock (liked it a lot) The Breakup (very funny) The Other Guys (one of the best movies I have seen) Couples Retreat (also very funny) Friday the 13th Part 5 (HORRIBLE) Kick *censored* (i have one thing to say: B)) And tomorrow I am going to watch 9 in blu ray B)
  18. Toa Blackout


    If you do you must and i mean MUST make some mocs for the collab
  19. Already told him to do that on skype PAPER SPEAKERS WAT. Hes too stubborn to do so
  20. i dream about farm animals
  21. Toa Blackout

    Y/Ν Game 4

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay i are happy B)
  22. Toa Blackout

    Y/Ν Game 4

    Okay *cracks fingers* i think i figured it out A bunch of guys were in a air balloon. It started crashing into the ground. They through stuff out to make it less heavier. Its still crashing*gasp*. They draw straws. A guy gets the short one. He is thrown out of the balloon and everyone lives happily ever after cept the guy tahts dead cause you know hes dead.
  23. Toa Blackout

    Y/Ν Game 4

    I think I know the answer but ima ask one more question? Was there other peeps on the air balloon?
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