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Toa Blackout

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Everything posted by Toa Blackout

  1. Arm Note: This is not normal Freddy. It was going to be the original version of him but It is now going to be Wes Craven's A New Nightmare version. He has a new glove with black talons on each finger. He has a turtle neck version of the sweater but over it he wears a blue coat thing. He wears skin tight jeans and boots. So ya he looks quite different. Thoughts of the arm
  2. Toa Blackout


    we havent even started shopping for my brother B)
  3. I have seen that before. It looks really good. I actually didi rebuild that a while ago and taped it to a glove :3 i did edit though i took away the thumb cause only new nightmare has 5 blades while the rest have four also i really wanna just build him all not just the glove
  4. Toa Blackout

    The Plan

    Ya cause santa is a fake dude who is based of Saint Nicholas who died a long ceeing time ago.
  5. KK he shall have 3 fingers and his thumb also thats what i always use for fingers OFF TO KEEP BUILDING also one hand and lower arm is done he is being based of the original movie version were the sweater sleeves were solid red and only the torso was striped
  6. i prefer to use technic bionicle strictly but i did try system
  7. No its not done. I have realized something. ITS LIKE TOTALLY CEEING IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE A HAND HAVE FIVE FINGERS WITHOUT MAKING IT HUGE ;-; i cant make his glove without taking a finger away but then it wont be him because he has 4 claws not 3 ;-;
  8. how can you hate coffee > coffee is grate
  9. Toa Blackout


    Okay I will moc me. Or just the glove depends if I have the pieces to build a good small scale glove.
  10. Toa Blackout


    I have no clue what to moc. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. Its a train cart. Thats why they are the same
  12. Toa Blackout


    Yay I am glad your normal again
  13. Toa Blackout


  14. im staying up cause im not doing anything tomorrow so ya just gonna chill out and stare at the moon with a glass of hot chocolate
  15. Great stuff. But I did switch the armour up a little to look a little better.
  16. Toa Blackout

    New Pet

    Got a male Het for Albino Western Hognose snake for a 100 dollars(that is actually really cheap) I am so ceeing happy B)
  17. Toa Blackout


    thanks for calling me ugly ;-; meenie
  18. Tired. Got the alarm clock set for 9 am sleeping on the couch tonight cause my room is really hot and it smells like paint. GOOD NIGHT WORLD.
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