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Mountain Tim

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Status Updates posted by Mountain Tim

  1. Interesting.

    *Sips on Sprite*

    ...But your heart's not in it.

  2. By the way.

    I've added some new Rules to my profile.


  3. P.S.: I've added some new Rules to my profile recently.


  4. I changed my name.

    I am now Mistgun.

    Zev is not here in body...

    ...But in our hearts that burn with passion...

    ...And in our fists that fly to shatter all bariers...

    ...He's never gone!!


    What does the new name make you think?

  5. What is terrible?

    Terrible is a play that no one likes.

    Good is a name that makes you think.

    Good is a name that people can have different opinions on.

    Also, you don't know how the name change system works, do you?

  6. That's my line.

    Your PM hurt my feelings.

  7. Well, I changed my name.

    The same Zev you love at the core...

    ...Just trying out a new identity...

    ...To keep things fresh.

    Mistgun is actually the name of a character from that manga I told you about, Fairy Tail.


    And the characters's AWESOME.

    Well, seeya.

  8. Ah.

    Sooo...Ever read a manga called Fairy Tail?

  9. No.

    The animal battle was just getting annoying.

    *Adjusts tie*

  10. The ultimate --


  11. Resurreccion-Mongoose.

  12. Hello, Inferna.

    *Holds up several fish*

    Want a fish? Only ten dollars.

  13. No demongirls.


    Angeloids, technically.

    *Leaves my tent*

    *Gets into a fight with a full-grown bear*

  14. *Scarier*

    I've been busy with Christmas, my gifts, and a new manga I'm reading.


    *Goes back to my tent by the river*

  15. I'm better now~!

    A merry merry Christmas from Zev Raregroove AND Calico Yorki.

    Stay safe, Chan'e.

  16. Merry Christmas to you too, Chan'e-tan.


  17. Who said I was wearing a Sailor Scout outfit?

    And who said I'd be wearing ANY outfit?

    You ignored the 'cheeks to the breeze' part, didn'tcha?

  18. Then expect cheeks to the breeze and Sailor Moon poses and quotes, because if you think I'm crazy now, you just wait till you see me unmedicated.

    The mood swings can be drastic.

  19. PM Block taken care of yyyeeeah. Now, tell me what you think of what I'm about to send you.

  20. Nope. Won't work out. Sorreh.

    I'll try to work on unblocking you.

  21. Okay. I think you're probably removed from my block list.

  22. Fine, I don't need the Hummer.

    They finally let me have a choo-choo~!

    And I like riding the busss! *Snake tongue flicks out*

    (Trust me, you'll never figure out what that last one was a reference to.)

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