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Mountain Tim

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Status Updates posted by Mountain Tim

  1. You hate the rock...? I guess you don't smell what he's cookin'.



  2. Hey Spink!!

    How're you?

  3. It's not Ichigo. IT'S...


    ...Smells like...!!


  4. *rocket propelled grenades*

  5. No Bleach?


    No One Piece?


    No Fullmetal Alchemist?


    You poor soul.

  6. Hello. I'm Zev Raregroove, and you're not.


    Please don't be treatin' BZP Battlez like a joke while drinkin' yer juice in da hood.


    Thanks muchly.

  7. I stand corrected. It's NOT cool.


    IT'S AWESOME, SIS!! *Glomp*

    P.S.: Ah've been doin' well mahself.

  8. *Glomp*

    Chane my budday!!

    I've missed yo~~~ou!!

    I'm sorry I haven't talked to you for so long!! Can you forgive me, ol' buddy ol' friend ol' pal?

  9. ...


    ...Did I have an evil mustache? Did I tie TMV to traintracks!? C'mon, gimme somethin'!

  10. I'll have to look at THAT. I say I'd make a magnificently despicable villain.

  11. *Rips out Scoroponok's tail*

    *Mutilates him with his own stinger*


    I don't have a clue what the Shattered Glass Universe is.

  12. Well, if Doflamingo and Law are anything to go buy, they're an increasingly popular trend, at least.


    Wait, we're both talking about One Piece, right?

  13. *A giant crack appears in the concrete, just before two giant slabs of concrete are pushed up by the force*

    *Slams fists together, causing a crackle of electricity, and awaits Nemesis's next attack*

  14. *Leaps up, avoiding the plasma*

    *Destroys the fiery tower with a hand stab*

    *Does a series of mid-air rolls towards Nemesis, building up momentum for a mighty kick...*

  15. *Holds stance, waiting for Nemesis to attack*

  16. *Gets into a fighting stance similar to a DJ preparing to scratch records*

    *Waits warily for Inferna's spell...*

  17. I'm doin' groovy. Listening to the 80's on the Music Channels.

    Hey -- Have you seen, or are you gonna see 9?

  18. Hey hey, Chane! How's it goin' fer ya?

  19. *Immediately leaps in*

    Aesthetic Appeal Art!! Dream-Fist Heavenly Condemnation!!

    *Unleashes a barrage of hand stabs towards Inferna*

  20. ...


    ...Wanna have a Comment War?

  21. *Holds hand out towards blade*

    *From the palm of hand, a long, sickly green tentacle lashes out, wrapping around Blade and lifting him up in the air*


    I'm feeling Cthulhian. That's a bad thing for you.

    *Slams Blade into the ground repeatedly*

  22. I'm giving up on it, for now. Not forever -- Someday, it will return again. I'll repost all the chapters and start from there, maybe the Summer Vacation of this year. Maybe I'll continue it real soon. But for now, the story is asleep. Sorry.

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