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Casus Belli

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Status Updates posted by Casus Belli

  1. I'm at Ko-Wahi with other Legolover, Toa Kethrye, and I think Biobeast also.

  2. Nice. I'm in Ko-Wahi.

  3. Your opening is nice. Try putting a period instead of a comma. "...crossroads. These crossroads..."

  4. But, it's not very sand-boxy. It's going to be harder to slip under the staffie's noses, this time, they say. They probably won't approve it, though.

  5. Also, for the BZPRPG, copy the character template from somewhere, then PM it to one of the game's staff, like Friar Tuck.

  6. Also, might MOC Onarax. My number of pieces has expanded greatly since Christmas.

  7. Holy KArz! You still remmber? Might put it back on. Too violent for LEGO.com.

  8. I remember you! :D I used to: comment on your MOCs, or do the HQ's with you. Blech. HQ's are drab. If you want a nice online text-based game, check out Bionicle RPG. Anyway, nice to see you again.

  9. Goodbye from the Homestuck fanbase. I never really told you, but you indirectly got me into it.


    Uber Bunny

  10. How ironic. Your character's name in the BZPRPG is Nova. You will get "Nova's" if you mix up my character's name. My character also has different colored fire. :P

  11. So you tried to make him look like you? I'm more of a sollux with Gamzee's body.

  12. I lol at your personal pic.

  13. He exists in a different universe, silly goose. E:P

  14. If dead bodies have minds, I have reached the god tiers. And I have not, so I do not have a mind. Besides, you can only take over minds.

  15. Posted some more information for you on Day RUn discussion topic.

  16. Cyanide and Happiness?

  17. Oops, forgot to add the E:P

  18. AI's are immune to mind control, Vriska-wannabe.

  19. You call me Liv one more time and I will have you in smoking bloody ashes just like the Black Queen.

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