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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Ah.

    I myself am a COT rat, through and through. =P

  2. Uhhhh... Left off at ep. six, "316"

  3. Yeah... I'm not 86 either. =P

    You still in Outbreak? Haven't seen you around for a while.

  4. Yep! I'm kind of nervous about seeing it, but the people at Pixar are geniuses, so I trust them. :P

  5. Really? o_O Odd. Have you made 10 posts outside of the COT forum?

  6. Yes, not really terribly memorable for one to have attained the age of 29 million. :P

  7. Where does that poem thing in your sig come from?

  8. Thanks. =D You listen to all those too, then?

  9. ...I think I've become mesmerized by your banner. @_@. Can't stop clicking...

  10. Hey there, fellow 'mancer person. I bid you a somewhat late welcome to BZP. :D

  11. ...That was a dumb question, ignore it. =P

    Yes, I love all those artists. I need to listen to more of their stuff.

  12. Or twenty-nine million and one. :P

  13. ...I accidentally entered my comment before I was done typing it. xD Anyway, yeah, I got my avatar and banner from the same image. It's a character from the series "Bleach", who claims to have no name, but due to sort of an inside joke, I like to call him Kayak. :P

  14. Yep! It's me! =D

    *Hugs back*

  15. What is it with you and your strange fixation with breakfast foods anyway? :P

  16. Well either way, it's awesome. :D

  17. Yeah, I know what you mean. =P

  18. I think it was either Psalms or Proverbs.

  19. Okay. Letsee...

    C> C> C>

    There. Three cones!

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