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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. yayzorz!1!! 100 paegz!

    *Krana No ripped off*

    And yeah, Kahin00ba is my evil counterpart here. Mind if I use all you guy's newbie counterparts in LLL?

    *No infects again*

    spm et all et mus b spmed.

  2. RELEASE THE TOON KIT. Or just release it to us and we'll be a new NWI.
  3. i hold potaeto chep hostaeg!

  4. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Noob War until/unless i Gerlicky intervenes.

  5. Also, Gerlicky, I dare you to see the new LLL installment.

  6. And there is no code to destroy the Krana No. I created it, so I should know ;)

  7. Unless Gerlicky actually wants it to be an RPG. Then he can do whatever.

  8. You guys (Dark Blazer and such) can join in, of course. But please don't RPG this again.

  9. I have gone back in the Time Stream and redone history. Dark Blazer never started the war. Ebba, me, Philbert, Gerlicky, Blade, and VTK are just going along with the Karana No as before. Everything is as it was.

  10. You know, I sorta feel like you do when you and your friends are having a good time playing a game and then little kids come along, want to play too, and ruin it.

    This was supposed to be a Noobish quote war for fun, not a RPG.

  11. Nothing here for six days? Anyhow, where did you come up with the name Rising Suns? And will you ever change/remove the codenumbers?
  12. ~kh

    Bask In The Lulz

    You'd better hope that "Blue Eyes" doesn't see that ...
  13. I'd say the same reason you're not in it. Which is?
  14. When is the new Bioniplush going to be finished?
  15. Okay. But I'd suggest not mentioning that until Greg confirms it, just in case. And besides, the English launguage is always changing. Who knows, Vulture might actually be a verb in a few years.
  16. I apologize for that example...I should have thought it through quite a bit more. Well, I guess Vulture will have to do until another name is found... However, you did mention that one of the reasons for the name is Vultraz's name. Is the mask then named and thus made especially for him?

    lululululzers!!!! i iz nobbish 2 da maxxs

  18. ~kh

    lulz add meh 2 ur frends list!!1!

    No, seriously. Do.


  19. Nice. What did you use to animate that?
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