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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. *uses olmak to get out* You're turning this into a RPG again. Stop, please.

  2. ~kh

    Oh My Gosh

    What are you guys talking about?
  3. Nao u shooooped blaed into da shoop da dimension!

    *goes to dimesnion using olmak and shoops blaed out*

    hah there. now all u r #$!&@%$&^@$*@$%*%&@^%$@&^%$*. :P taek dat.

  4. ~kh

    Oh My Gosh

    Aha! I was waiting for you to reveal your master plan! But, I have fooled you. See my username? HA! It says "I'm not related to Dokuma", does it not? SEE!!! I have not become you, because everyone knows you can't be not related to yourself. I am still ME! MWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  5. oh yeah wel u al shud b band. in fac, i shud b band 2!!1! lets ALLLLL b baned!

  6. Well at least the wiki likes me... Oh, and I just did that. I got plot-oriented comics and Steve. Coincidence, I think NOT?
  7. Either that or make me an Admin...hint, hint... lulz, jus kiding!1!1!one!
  8. hey we not suposed 2 hav haet topiks. i report u riet nao. *Call police* i want 2 report a haet topic on bzp...

  9. ~kh

    Calling All Dokumas

    Already done, kid... No awesome faces, though...
  10. o yea? wel da eraser giv u indagestion!!1!

  11. ~kh

    Calling All Dokumas

    * CAN YOU DIG IT? *Bob the Builder* NO WE CAN'T * What's your favorite book? Marvels, Astro City, Shadow Children Series, Found Series, Narnia, Fantastic Four Series (and there's a whole lotta them...), Spider-Man series, and of course, the Bible. * What's your favorite image in this blog? Bananapooters. * What would be an even better description for this blog than the current one? You lookin' at me? * What do you want to get off your chest? A lot of stuff.
  12. Yayzors. Yayzors2 'cause I made the "Here's What Everyone's Saying" list thing.
  13. u cant su meh! i uses awsum authur pwerz!!1! *erazez lol Tav*. taek dat, u hoto bug.

  14. ~kh

    Have A Day

    o noez dokeh ripped off hiz wife's entry!1!!1! edited for leet =3 -Dok
  15. ~kh

    Have A Day

    None, lol didn't even know you had one I don't . That's the point... At least, I had one during Premier Perks week, and made about seven posts with noting in them so that I can edit in them later... You're not allowed to do that. Anyway... How can I get more people to worship[/] read my blog? Really? Hm. Whoops.
  16. eat moar chikin!1!!1

  17. I never found the topic for TMU:CW, so I couldn't comment on it. They were pretty good, though...saw them during the downtime... As long as you make TLG, I'm fine
  18. ~kh

    Have A Day

    None, lol didn't even know you had one I don't . That's the point... At least, I had one during Premier Perks week, and made about seven posts with noting in them so that I can edit in them later...
  19. Why did you change your name? No one changes their...


    Wait a minute...


  20. ~kh

    Have A Day

    How many people read my blog?
  21. Nice comic, Blade... Though breaking your Vahi would actually destroy time itself...
  22. ~kh

    You actually made me think of making a new avie with the comment...:P. Plus, it still has me on there. right?


  23. Yeah, I'm trying to do both...


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