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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. You can send whatever you were going to send now...


  2. ha! i maed new acount!1! but dont tel anibudy, kk?

  3. ~kh

    Stay Off The Roads

    Ha! You don't even want to hear about the posts I made in 2009!!! Wait a minute...
  4. ~kh

    Mayonnaise Taco Tuesday

    * Judging by the image two entries down, what do you think my Core War entry is about? Vastus * Are you employed? No, but I need to be. I'm looking for a job... * If you were to change your name to something Dokuma-related, what would it be? My name is Dokuma related. But if it wasn't, I'd change it into what is now or "Dokuma's Attorney-at-Law". * What is your favorite sport? Soccer * ??? 42 * PROFIT! *Invests in stock market**Stock market plummets*
  5. ~kh

    Mayonnaise Taco Monday

    Why did you answer all of Tav's questions and not mine? And you can't fire Malaysia, I'm from there.
  6. ~kh

    Mayonnaise Taco Monday

    attention span lost I didn't even expect you to answer that much. I just had fun writing it .
  7. ~kh

    Mayonnaise Taco Monday

    Why is the answer to everything 42? Why did Chuck Norris cross the road? Who is the real identity of Tuma? Will the world end in 2012? What about 2013? 2020? Who is Angry Nidhiki's cousin's stepmother's grandmother? Why am I not related to you? Who created Starbucks? Why is the false identity of Mrs. Dokuma? Why do you have so many children? Are you hungry? Am I hungry? Is Chuck Norris hungry? Do you live in Hungary? Which is better for a vacation: Hawaii, Tahiti, or New Zealand? Who came first: the Chicken or the Egg? The Klinker or the Poop? The Dok or the Kuma? The Burp or the Soda? The Coke or the Mentos? Why am I asking so many questions? Why are you answering so many questions? Do you answer as many as Greg? What is your least favorite donut flavor? Do you Yahoo? Do you Eat Fresh? Do you live in Sparta? Do you liek mudkipz? Are you human? Am I human? Is Nid human? Is Chuck Norris human? Is Mantax not not not not not not human? Am I bored? Can you Podrace? Are you a mutant? Are you not a mutant? Are you going to mutate yourself? Who comes up with these internet memes, anyways? Which is better: Photoshop or GIMP Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers? Chicken or Turkey? North Korea or South Korea? China or Japan? Dokuma or Amukod? Cows or goats? Fish or whales? What is your name? What is your quest? What is the air speed velocity of a Gukko? What is the major facepalm of death? Do you think I'll finish the sen Do you think I'll finish this po
  8. ~kh

    I Am A Man Of My Word

    Aw, man! I didn't realize that the contest was still going on! I thought it ended quite a while ago... Oh well. I'll see if I can eneter...
  9. lulzers blaed jus got band!!!!

    *Kahinooba gets banned for talking about banned member*

  10. It's emptied, kid of non-related person...

  11. Weird. My friend was just telling me how he and his dad had "James Bond" wars, where they would hold a conversation with only quotes from James Bond movies and titles.


  12. I'm the attorney.


  13. ~kh

    Stay Off The Roads

    I don't even have a license. Aw, who cares? *goes off to drive*
  14. Wait, so you just hand sprite every panel?
  15. The Muffins? What in Mata Nui are the Muffins?
  16. u cant eeet urself entirly. u can eet part but not all. an u can't shoop da whoop urself unless u shooooop a mirrur

  17. dere's a quote frum lll in daer!1!!1 an a quoet frum meh 2! dis is awsum!one!!1
  18. Yay!!!!! Wait, I convinced you to do TMU:TLG? Hmmmm...on DeviantArt...well, the only other PGSes I know of are: Blade, VTK (or Tav now), and Takama Nuva (dunno if Ebba was a part of it or not). Oh, and Steak Boy. I don't know who's on DeviantArt, except for Blade. Is it him?
  19. Yeah, it would be totally awesome. Do it. AND RELEASE THE TOON KIT TO USSSSSS....
  20. u can't eet urself anymoar dan u can shoop da whoop urself. that's stupid.

  21. ~kh

    Oh My Gosh

    Who is Turakii and TLH and Smeag and Niks? What is this blog entry about? WHAT ON MATA NUI IS GOING HERE?
  22. ~kh

    Oh My Gosh

    So...what on Earth is happening?
  23. My filter blocks that site. Can you upload that potential series to your Maj as well, please? Hope that person ain't me...
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