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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. i dunt relly liek mudkipzers.

  2. Yeah, quite a few people read and don't post. I saw Dlakii viewing it as well, but he didn't either. Too bad, I'd have loved to see what he thought of his noob self. Anyhow, the inhabitants of the Noob Dimension might come back in the future. If they do, Noob Blade and Noob Shadow Ebba will be included with them.
  3. no. y? cuz dis *destroys magma drones* nao letz go bac 2 video gamez. i miet get dsi 4 chistmas!11!!

  4. o manz et's mgan fox!1!!1! on shez on bzpowur!!2! lulz! wow dat amazin. whu knu? woot!1!!one!!!!

  5. ~kh

    I Stand Corrected

    *tears to shreds* Now who's dumb? Cats are. Because they don't know you can't rip someone to shreds over the net, ...
  6. Oh yeah, I saw that Lhikan's Hau. I'm thinking of using it actually... But why should Lhikan's Hau be in the comic? Oh, wait, StormLasher's mask. Whoops And this was originally a comic for the duel. It's not that well done because I had to think of the idea and all that in half an hour. And I still didn't break the record...>.< And Gerlicky, this isn't really canon or anything. It was a LLL comic that featured Blade's characters so I thought: "Why not convert it"?
  7. ~kh

    I Stand Corrected

    Cats are dumb. Never found any use for house cats...
  8. ~kh

    Nice personal Pic.

  9. but i haz ssbb and supur maro galxy obsesun!!! an mudkipzers taest gud.

  10. ~kh

    I Stand Corrected

    Yeah, now everyone go to the wiki. We need more editors. Speaking of which, Dokuma is now the only admin recently online and by that I mean a few weeks ago oh, wait, earlier today. But that's still a long time to be gone.
  11. Which leads me to my question: when do I come into all this mess Oh, and allow me to present my first co-author comic. How'd you like?
  12. Yeah, that's Kortu...

  13. You mean Kortu?

    Yeah, I also got mentioned in Zak's (I think) and in LTSL and PK.

    I've got quite a ot of attention...

  14. And attention's good, no?

  15. ~kh


    1. The wha--? 2. Sure, I can. 3. Yeah. Whether it's legal or not is debatable, though. 4. Don't ask me... 5. Um, what? Lets see if I can get my Vahi eight months earlier.
  16. Then Blade got banned and I got banned for talking about him then made a separate account ...
  17. we all noobehs

  18. ~kh

    Can't Keep Me Off

    Glad you're enjoying college; as for me, I'm not sure if I'll be going immediately, or at all. I don't know how I can afford it. Getting into college though as a HS isn't that hard though, I just have to jump through a few extra hoops. The extra hoops are what scare me...
  19. ~kh

    Attention Everyone!

    Do you believe that James Bond is real? Do you believe that the events in Left Behind may happen? Do you eat Turkish Delight? Do you liek mudkips?
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