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Everything posted by ~kh

  1. no i meanz enturnaty

  2. Oh, okay.

    How can you change your name in two days, though?


  3. Really? So am I. Taking Algebra II, that is.

  4. Same here. At least, I'm not white, I'm just Asain. Oh, yeah, and what's with the "Night Owls" banners? Some upcoming MAS done by someone? Who? What? When?
  5. ha! i iz elergic 2 ENTERNTIE!!1111!

  6. Yeah, well, I sorta have to. I'm actually Asian, and people assume that I speak Chinese naturally. Which I don't. :P

    Let's see...you're sixteen, so you're probably doing...Trigonometry? Am I right?

  7. Push back Rising Suns? Alright, then. I guess I might have to do a actual Co-Author Comic after all... Thing is, I have no idea what to do it for, since everyone's already on QFTMS.
  8. That comment was made before Dok posted a new entry.
  9. What is your least favorite School subject? And I forgive you, non-relative...
  10. Hey, what happened to "Ask Dokuma Anything"?
  11. ~kh

    C U R S E D

    That's, um... ...the reason why I dislike cats.
  12. n with whatever the daily activities are. I have prayer meeting on Monday, film class and swimming on Tuesday, Chinese and piano on Wednesday, Homeschool Co-Op on Thursday (five hours), then Bible Quiz on Friday.


  13. I don't have a job yet. But I have quite a busy schedule, though not as much as you have. I actually stay up and get up late; I'm more of a Night Owl type of a person. I usually just get up, get breakfast, and start schoolwork (Algebra II and Chinese are the hardest for me. Though I do somewhat enjoy math, it is hard. And Chinese is always hard; I'm not one for languages). Then, I go o

  14. Another of my quotes in there now? Great. What are you going to do now with OGD closed, though? EDIT: Never mind, it's been reopened. And I still liked Tahu Nuva, though this will be interesting to see him in Mata form.
  15. You too, eh? There seem to be quite a few Christians/Homeschoolers here.

    On that note, what do you do on a regular school day?

    Hope it doesn't seem like I'm trying to pry or anything. I'm just curious to what other homeschoolers do.


  16. oh yeah wel i'm ayrgic 2 EVRYTHIn taek DAT!!111!1!!!!

  17. I seriously though it was her for a second there. I'm serious.

    That's actually freaky if you start to think about it...


  18. Night Owls looks awesome.

  19. ~kh

    So..halloween, Ehh?

    A lot of times it would rain where we did and no one would go ToT. So out neighbors would give all the candy to us. Unfortunately, they moved away...
  20. ~kh

    Oh No, It's Toast!

    I love that guy...
  21. ~kh


    You sue me, and it won't be pretty. ...
  22. hah! i is alrgic 2 LVING taek dat!1!!

  23. Is that you on your Personal Photo?

    You remind me way to much of someone I know...


  24. Tourists are non-existent where I live... EDIT: Hey Blade, sorry if this is too personal a question for you, but are you a native Hawaiian or did you move from Mainland America? EDIT2: Tourist actually wear those flower dress thingys?
  25. o yeah? i can breeth ayr!1!!

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