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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by P~M

  1. I know 10 more digits of pi than you: ...2884693993

    1. P~M


      Also, I love that avatar. Hi-larious

    2. Space: Ocean of Awe

      Space: Ocean of Awe

      Nerd jokes are the best.


      I've actually memorized some more since then:

      3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944164062862089986280348. I should update that sometime...maybe...

  2. P~M

    I like your taste in... well... everything.

  3. I love randomly posting updates for no reason...

  4. I think tomorrow afternoon I'm going to haul out my bionicle collection, maybe photograph some mocs, maybe just mess around and have fun with mah bonkles

    1. P~M


      Hey look just in time for a BBCC

  5. P~M

    I think your banner doesn't like me.

    1. Kakaru




      IT IS ANGRY >:C

    2. P~M
  6. I'm here, somehow

  7. I'm working on a ~5-foot-tall Makuta. I have the arm structure down and am currently working on the torso. The torso is rather skeletal, but the arm is well-armored, so I may have to adjust some things... Suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dual Cee

      Dual Cee

      If this is I minecraft thing I can help I once builded a perfect gali but some griefer burned her down.

    3. P~M


      No, real life. I really need a gift card for Christmas so I can get a whole bunch of parts from Pick-a-Brick.

    4. Dual Cee

      Dual Cee

      Oh well then good luck be sure to post a picture in general art

  8. Is there going to be a new Chimoru topic?

  9. It's funny how you probably have a bajillion posts, but you're still a Seeker because you're in COT so much.

    1. Toast of Awesomeness

      Toast of Awesomeness

      Yeah, that's really all I go to now. I'm not even sure how many posts I have.


    1. Than the Moa

      Than the Moa

      unfortunately it's more like a crawling over 9000

  11. LOL 10 years old!

  12. LOL he didn't even last a day.

  13. Lol, the "Active Posts" no longer includes posts in COT/Q&A/etc. Now I'll only get about 2/3 as many notifications proclaiming TPH's new status updates. :P

    1. P~M


      I'm referring to the count on the profile page, not in the forums.

      Darn keys almost made me curse. :P

    2. Hexann
    3. P~M


      "1400 POSTS WOOT" will become "700 posts... meh..." :P

  14. LOVE that avatar.

    1. ARROW404


      Sorry for the late reply, but thanks!

    2. P~M


      Hmm, I seem to have forgotten what it used to be. What was it? Unless it hasn't changed...?

      Anyway, the new (?) one is pretty cool as well.

  15. My laptop broke and BZPower is blocked on my school laptop, so that's why I'm not on as much right now.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      These schools learn of BZP so quick.

  16. My right ring finger is cursed.

  17. Nice old name.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      Nice newish name. =P

  18. Nice profile pic.

  19. Oh whoa, floating toolbars galore

  20. OK, now these staff names are just getting annoying. I hardly know who's who anymore.

  21. p(Piraka~Mistika)=2

    1. P~M


      I had to acknowledge my proto boost before I could post. That is just hilarious.

  22. S&T gives me a headache.

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