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Everything posted by Legolover-361

  1. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CAAs the police disappeared into the bathroom of the Starbucks, Corinthia began packing her homework into her backpack. "I should go," she said to Dallas. "I mean, unless you want to come with."
  2. I'm still scared Star Wars Episode VII will be a flop, but the likelihood of that seems less than it seemed when the film was first announced.
  3. GM IC: Turaga TahuEarly afternoonPanel HQ, Central City"That again raises the question, as Gali asked earlier, of who will do the watching."
  4. I'm assuming the Department of Security would already have reviewed the crimes and reported to the Turaga their findings. If the thieves weren't using the Vahi, how then could they escape every crime scene undetected? That's possible. Psych eval? Then again, anyone working with the Vahi would have to be pretty crazy in the first place.Considering even "normal" people can become tempted once power is near to their control, I don't think a psychological evaluation would have caught any abnormalities in his brain.
  5. I'm not sure what you mean. Could you please clarify? Just because someone has a clean background does not mean he has zero chance of committing a crime in the future.
  6. I haven't done that yet, but I plan to very soon.
  7. I learned today that good clean rap does, in fact, exist.

  8. Considering a doctor working on the Vahi disappeared with the Vahi before the thefts took place, what else should the Turaga assume? The Turaga haven't yet decided to use it yet, only study it to see if it can help them. They don't know about the full capabilities of the Olmak yet. Loophole is likely non-canon in regards to the Kanohi Vahi's power, then.
  9. If all goes well, there will be multiple winners per category.
  10. My sincerest felicitations for the umpteenth anniversary of your birth! Do have an enjoyable day, Nuile.
  11. I really should try to enter this competition. Hopefully I'll find the necessary inspiration to rekindle my interest in MOCing.
  12. It's still accepted, considering we need every entry we can get. I'm going to tally the entries we've received and see if there are enough to hold a contest around. If there aren't, I'll extend the deadline another couple months and focus more heavily on publicity.EDIT: Considering that there are only four entries, I am going to extend the deadline till a point to be defined in the future, likely late April. This postponement will be the last. People who have already entered have till February 10, 2013 to edit their entries without permission.
  13. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CAsat-ur-nineadj. 1. of a sluggish, gloomy temperament; 2. dark and brooding.The pencil tapped the paper to form the light imprint of a period and lowered to the side. "What's the east coast like? I've never been there."
  14. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CAThe embarrassed inflections of Dallas's tone were no secret to Corinthia. She turned her face away and to the floor to hide her smile as she led Dallas between the customers enjoying their meals and back to her table.Her homework she pulled closer together so Dallas would have enough elbow room when he sat. She took her seat, plunked her textbook onto the table, and grabbed her pencil, twirling it gracefully in her right hand. "I'm doing English right now," she said; "it's not like it's a hassle to talk while looking up vocabulary words or anything... so, uh... yeah."She promptly occupied herself with opening her dictionary again. "Mm... where'd you go to school before you graduated?"
  15. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CA"Thanks," said Corinthia with another smile, "but I, uh, already had one. Sorry?" She drew back a little, her eyes alternating between Dallas's face and the floor. Conversing isn't chess, she told herself, but the hesitation before her next words was still marked. "Um, there's... I mean, uh, I should have some space at my table if you'd like to sit there..."
  16. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CA"No, it's fine!" Corinthia insisted. "I mean... like... it's not that much work, anyway. We can still talk -- I mean, if you want to."
  17. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CA"Eeeeep. I don't think I can do that. I have enough on my plate already -- I'm taking Honors English this year. Um, thanks for the tip, though."Corinthia glanced back to her corner to make sure no one was stealing any of her homework. "Actually, I, uh, have some assignments I still need to complete. Like, I come to Starbucks to complete my schoolwork, soooo I should probably get back to that." She paused. "Not like right now, if you still want to talk, but... soonish."
  18. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CA"Haha, we high schoolers think that way, too." Corinthia giggled. "But how'd you graduate early? I mean, like, at seventeen. I'm stuck in the school system for another year, and if there's a cheat code, I'd like to know it."
  19. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CADallas was a college student, then -- at least, an online one -- just as Corinthia had expected. Corinthia nodded (a second too late for it to be a convincing reaction) and said, for lack of a better response, "Cool! I, uh, just go to Alameda High. Er... how old are you?"
  20. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CA"Ah... right," Corinthia responded absentmindedly, taking the book back and dropping the napkin into the trash. She couldn't disappear, so she returned her focus to Dallas's smiling face, tried to smile too at the humor behind their meeting, shifted her book into the nook her left elbow and side formed, and extended her right hand to shake. "I'm, uh... I'm Corinthia. Heh, sorry again about the, uh, the bumping thing, that was my bad..."Ending the discussion now seemed inappropriate. Corinthia stood there for a few seconds, looking at her sneakers, before looking back up and asking, "Uh, so, do you -- do you go to school around here?"
  21. Legolover-361


    I've only watched the first few episodes of Firefly. I really need to continue watching the series when I'm able.
  22. IC: CorinthiaAfternoonStarbucks; Alameda, CAThe last of Corinthia's chocolate chip cookie disappeared down her throat. She sipped her mocha to wash it down and sighed, leaning back in her chair and looking at the ceiling to give her eyes a break from homework. Several heartbeats passed; she let her chair's two front legs return to solid ground, rolled her napkin into a ball, and stood up.There was a trash bin by the table with utensil racks. Corinthia stopped roughly a meter from the bin and, trapping her textbook between her left elbow and side, tried to shoot the napkin in like a basketball. Air-ball: The napkin landed between the trash bin and the table. Corinthia had never been good at basketball.With a sigh, Corinthia approached and leaned over to retrieve the napkin. She straightened, bumping into someone on his way to the counter."Sorry!" she said quickly, her textbook slipping from its cradle and her eyes moving up to meet the gaze of the same young man with neat blonde hair that she had seen before.
  23. Verdana! WHOOOOOOOO!

  24. As long as Lesovikk is the main character of your story and the Makuta and Toa Hagah you created are not as significant as any canon characters, you should be fine.EDIT: As entry levels seem to be quite low, I'm considering extending the contest again to allow more people to participate. I really don't want to continue a trend of postponements, so if I do postpone the entry date again, it will be for the last time. Until I decide, consider the entry period over at 12:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM CT tomorrow; if you find you need to edit your entry later due to it being rushed, you will have the chance to do so.
  25. I'm glad to see the new features implemented! I, for one, will be certain to use them.
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