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BZP's Thrame of Gones S3: No More Evil Skeletons But Creepy Cults Instead
Trijhak posted a blog entry in Unspoken Words
We would like you to play, these opportunities only come every so often! (No information needed, like a soft reboot) (Note: For those who fear skeletons, there are no more skeletons, or so I have been told. May not be true. Please join.) -
I know that some people are going to find this hard to believe, but when I was halfway home a balloon randomly floated down from the sky and landed in front of me. Review in a couple of days. But if you want a long story short, there was none. As in, no story. The film is mostly just a bunch of random events. And it's also not scary. I would be disappointed, but I had a good time. Perhaps I annoyed the people in the theatre with me, but I openly laughed quite a few times. 24601
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- It
- Stephen King
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so if you have posted in the "Describe the Avatar of the Person Above You" section, you know what to do. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVEN'T: It's simple: you just describe the title of the person above you. (e.g. if they have "Toa", you post "helryx" or something of the sort.) Go!
In art class, I'm supposed to make a face mask, and I'm the only one in my class who actually wanted it to fit their face, and so now, I'm supposed to paint it, but my art teacher said to draw out the designs onto the masks before painting, and so I decided to do something BIONICLE related with this opportunity, and drew down the key details of one of the most swaggery Kanohi around. Any suggestions on what colour to paint it?
Allow me to start with a pyromanic Tahu, based off of a couple of doodles I made some time ago, and then turned into a human, and then given a quote. Just felt like drawing some things for fun rather than for webcomic this time around, EDIT: Kopaka, EDIT: Onua, EDIT: Gali EDIT: Totally forgot to put Pohatu here, whoops, he's in my sig already but not here, better fix that, EDIT: Takanuva. EDIT: Lewa, the team's all here
The poll says it all, which do you prefer? You can pick more than one if you can't decide,
Ninjago Monster Contest: Ninjas IN SPACE Yes, it is Ninjago Month. Yes, we are going to have a site-wide contest in order to do things properly here. Remember last time? Jutsu: Your assignment is to use your skills to depict any Ninjago character while playing with the theme of location. You can have the titular ninjas in space, ninjas in the Marianas Trench, or even ninjas in locations from other LEGO themes. Ninjas in Ta-Koro? Why not! The following art forms and their corresponding forums are invited to participate: LEGO creations in BBC and SBCShort Stories and ComediesArtwork in General ArtMusic and movies in Fan Created MediaVideo and other games in Fan Created MediaComicsGames and Trivia(No OTC this time around; it is a LEGO theme!) The entry period will run for three weeks, until Monday, September 22nd at 11:59 Eastern. To enter, create a topic in the appropriate forum for your entry, and then make a post in this topic with the following information: Member nameTitle of your workThumbnail (if applicable)Category of your work (see above!)The link to your entry topicNinshū: GENERAL RULES: These rules apply to every entry and every aspect of the contest. 1. Please follow all BZPower Rules and Guidelines in your entries and your conduct. 2. One entry per person per category. You can enter as many or as few categories as you wish. 3. Your creation must be new and not posted on BZPower previously. 4. All entries must be posted in their proper forums. 5. No mass advertising your entry (on BZPower) through PM or other means. PMs amongst you and your friends are fine, but nothing more. If you receive an unsolicited advertising PM, please report it. If you wish to advertise your entry, you may do so through your signature or blog, or, of course, by posting an entry topic. 6. No arguing, whining, flaming, or cheating. Misconduct will result in one warning only, after which there will be disqualification and possibly other action if the case is extreme enough. Cheating (such as entering a work previously posted on BZPower) will result in immediate disqualification. 7. If you suspect someone is cheating, PM me, -Windrider-; don't post it here. 8. Discussion is encouraged! This topic will serve as the hub for all contest discussion. Discussion and comments on entries themselves should be directed to the respective entry topics! If you have any questions, please post them here. -- BBC AND SBC RULES: Category Host: -Windrider- 1. Do not modify your entry after you have posted it 2. Painted and modified parts are not allowed. 3. No non-LEGO parts. All other LEGO parts are fair game. Additionally, use your best judgment on where to post your entry topic: if the creation is mostly System pieces, into SBC it goes. If it is mostly constraction pieces, BBC! 4. Pictures in which the appearance of the MOC has been edited in Photoshop or other editing software are also prohibited. -- SHORT STORIES AND COMEDIES RULES: Category Host: GSR Assistants: Kakaru, Zatth 1. Please follow all existing rules for the forum you post your entry in. Here are quick links to Short Stories rules and Comedies rules. 2. Please contain your stories within one post. Comedies may only have one chapter, and short stories must be kept in one post. 3. You are allowed to edit your story until the entry period ends. 4. There are no word-count limits. But please be advised that, the longer your story is, the less likely voters are to read it. 5. No epics. -- GENERAL ART RULES: Category Host: Kakaru 1. You may only enter one general art piece. 2. Entries should be under 3MB maximum. If you need help with converting your image or reducing the filesize, post here and we'll be happy to give some pointers. (As a general suggestion, I recommend saving a JPEG copy and using that as your submission, since that should be a pretty reasonable filesize.) 3. If your entry is over the global BZP image limit of 750 kB, you must link it or use a thumbnail, per BZP rules. 4. Please provide a thumbnail of your entry 128x128 pixels or smaller. -- MUSIC AND MOVIES RULES: Category Host: Emzee 1. There should be one entry per member. All BZPower members are welcome to submit an entry. 2. Entries must adequately fit into the Ninjago theme. For music, that means either stylistically or through lyrics. Don't be afraid to be creative with this if you plan on writing lyrics though! 3. All entries must be your new and original work and cannot have been presented before. 4. You may not modify your entry once posted unless you have instruction to do so to fix a rules violation, or if you have approval to correct a minor error. All such requests should be PMed to Emzee. -- FAN CREATED GAMES RULES: Category Host: Emzee 1. Board games, card games, video games, and detailed game ideas are all allowed as entries. 2. All game ideas must be your new and original work and cannot have been presented before, whether on paper or as an actual game or game demo. 3. Entries may not be modified once posted unless you have instruction to do so to fix a rules violation, or if you have approval to correct a minor error. All such requests should be PMed to Emzee. 4. Games must fit into the theme mentioned. 5. If entering a game idea, each entry must include at least the following: An objective of the game (the “win” condition)A genre (First Person Shooter, Action-Adventure, etc.). Board/card games are allowed.A detailed overview of the game controls (keyboard keys, joystick support, etc.)A detailed description of your game’s mechanics or features (i.e. what can the player do?)A description of your game’s artistic style (if applicable)A description of the story and characters (if applicable)6. If entering a playable game as an entry, make sure to include a short but informative description about the game. You should include screenshots or, if you're submitting a board/card game, pictures of the props, cards, etc. 7. There should be one entry per member. All BZPower members are welcome to submit an entry. -- COMICS RULES: Category Hosts: -Windrider-, Kakaru 1. Entries should not exceed 3 MB in file size per page. You are allowed to split your entry into multiple files/pages, but each must be less than 3 MB in size.Remember that if your image is above 750 kB in size, you should link to it in compliance with BZPower's global rules. 2. Entries must be in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format. Your comic's presentation must be static, with one exception: 3. Your comic may be presented as an animated GIF. Other forms of animation, such as SWF files, will not be allowed, as such entries would belong in the Music & Movies category. 4. It is highly recommended that you provide a 128x128 pixel crop or thumbnail that represents your comic. These will be displayed in the polls for flavor. 5. Entries may be modified once posted. -- GAMES AND TRIVIA RULES: Category Host: -Windrider- 1. Please follow the G&T Rules. 2. Gameplay should be centered around the theme as much as possible. 3. Game ideas are not allowed. Instead, please create a game topic to give people a chance to play (and hopefully get them to vote in your favor!) 4. In the polls, entries should be judged on the game's premise and the actual gameplay. Dōjutsu: Voting will be held the week following the entry period! Polls will be created according to category (for instance, BBC and SBC will be combined). There will be one winner for each category, as well as one grand prize-winning overall champion. Ninja Tools: Each category finalist will receive one 70721 Kai Fighter! The grand finalist will become Hokage receive 70503 The Golden Dragon! -- So that's that! Go out there and create, yeah?
It is such an amazing feeling when you find someone you used to know like seven or eight years ago, and you're terrified that they've turned into a horrible/ignorant/etc. person with dumb/ignorant/etc. beliefs. And you read beyond the first page/wall/most recent post/etc. AND THEY'RE STILL THE SAME SMART AWESOME PERSON THEY WERE BEFORE HECK IF ANYTHING THEY'RE SMARTER AND AWESOMER THAN BEFORE ...And then you realize it's actually someone who has the same name but is a completely different person. We should still totally be friends though, awesome person who isn't actually on here after all and has no way of seeing this. Edit: NEVERMIND I FOUND THE REAL PERSON AND THEY ARE ALSO STILL AWESOME AND A-OKAY
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- I am not a WWE fan
- in any way at all
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hello, it is toa electro herei have a question ? my uncle works at a lego store and already got me 3 new monster fighter sets!he told me he asked his boss and he said that he could buy more and give them as presents. so he did but some of the kids are too old for lego now, so he gave the rest to me cool huh, but now i got a bunch and dont know what to do! so i was wondering if anyone would like to buy them from me or trade?i was just wondering if i should do this or if i should just moc with them or sell them later. i honestly dont really need the extra pieces or whateverso reply telling me if i should keep them and use them as mocs or sell themCya -toa electro
- 3 replies
- buy
- monster fighters
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IT'S THE TANK THAT HAS A PARTY INSIDE IT ^CLICK THE PICS TO SEE 'EM BIGGER^ FLICKR SET IS RIGHT HERE made this because 1000 views on flickr, thanks folks :> -Arc
I'm back on BZPower. Hello everybody. If I'm correct, this PMship will only stay around for a month?
So, in my school I have to take a career program, I chose IT (because I love computers). And my teacher is well new, and I swear he hates my guts, because anytime I contradict something we are watching he marks me up. I mean, aren't I allowed to state my opinion, sheesh.