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As I'm sure that many of you know, prior to 2003, Bionicle masks were made of solid, ABS plastic. Starting in 2003 (after a brief stint with bulky Nuva masks), masks began to be made out of a softer, flakier plastic that was used until the line ended (probably because 2001 masks were prone to shattering under pressure; this is also probably why the Nuva masks were so over-sized, to strengthen them). The new masks were made of the same plastic that many weapons were made out of (other parts like Metru shins and feet were also made of the material). I have a question for those more in the know: is this plastic a flavour of ABS (a diluted formula, etc.) or an entirely different type of plastic altogether? I'm mainly wondering about how they're expected to age; assuming they aren't damaged, are they expected to last as long as ABS parts under proper storage, or should extra precautions be taken? I haven't found much info looking around, but perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place...
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- Episode Eight
(and 2 more)
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- Episode Seven
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EPISODE SIX THE SILENT AWAKENING (Sections will be posted in comments)
EPISODE THREE THE SHARDS OF LIFE (Sections will be posted in the comments.)
(Sections will be posted in comments.)
I had some quotes from the original post GregF gave on this forum on Planned Bionicle events back in January 2010, before the update wiped the archives, and I thought I'd share them here: And here's a few Toatapio Nuva recovered: Here are some other statements from the original post I also recall him saying: The Bohrok's purpose to clean Mata Nui's face for his awakening was planned from the beginning, as was their mysterious origins, but the idea that they came from Matoran was not planned from the beginning. "Takua becomes a Toa", and the outline of the Mask of Life saga were both planned from the beginning, but the specifics with the Barraki and Piraka were not. The Hordika and Kal sagas weren't planned from the beginning, but were developed later just to draw out more time with those settings and characters. The Bara Magna Saga was not planned from the beginning. The Toa were originally supposed to be more solemn and stoic and serious, like Gods, but the story team decided to make them more humanized, talkative, and more down-to-earth with individual personalities. Bob Thompson or Alastair Swinnerton came up with the original story bibles, which were largely just floating around in his head for years, and he gradually wrote them all down before he left LEGO. And on a somewhat unrelated note, here are some notes about cancelled Bionicle projects Greg worked on: GregF knows the specific processes that went into creating Krana, and he was going to publish them in Bionicle Legends 7: Invasion, which also described the Inika's journey through the cord and Vezon's capture by Zyglak, but that was cancelled to shorten the book schedule as a result of decreased sales. Greg said he then considered instead publishing those processes on BionicleSector01, but the site was down so he couldn't, so I don't know what the process is, nor whether it was planned from the beginning or not. A Windows 98 & ME game called Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui would've shown how Toa got most of their Great and Noble Kanohi and defeated the Makuta, but LEGO cancelled it in mid-September 2001, with Greg saying it was because it did not meet LEGO's quality standards. Though a few copies of the playable developer disc exist, their owners remain anonymous and haven't released the disc's contents to the public. This is because it would technically be illegal since the rights are still split between LEGO and Econova CEO Mark Kendell, who retained ownership of developer Saffire's assets after the company became defunct around a decade ago. GregF explained that the game was originally supposed to represent the definitive 2001 Bionicle storyline, but after it was cancelled that distinction went to the Mata Nui Online Game. To this day, it remains a sort of "Holy Grail" for longtime Bionicle fans. An Xbox game called Bionicle: City of Legends was cancelled in 2004 after its developer Argonaut Games was liquidated later that year, but a playable tech demo was released online. By 2009, Greg had already written the first draft of a script for Bionicle 5, where Mata Nui, Ackar, and Kiina would have journeyed through the Valley of the Maze, where they would have encountered bio-mechanical dinosaurs, and con artist Tera of the Earth Tribe, whose other members were stranded on Bota Magna. Their goal there was to get to a power plant under a fake volcano, which could power the Prototype Robot, before the Element Lords did. Since Bionicle 4 wasn't quite profitable enough to merit sequels, the rest of the trilogy of movies that were supposed to be planned around it and the originally planned 2010 and 2011 sagas were scrapped and replaced with the Mata Nui Saga and Journey's End. Greg says the events of Bionicle 5 still took place in an alternate universe. Another cancelled book was BIONICLE 10: Power of the Great Beings, which would have included three exclusive chapters depicting Tarduk and Mata Nui's journey through the Valley of the Maze and Glatorian Comics 6-7. However, due to lack of sales of Graphic Novels 8 & 9, production stopped after Greg wrote the first chapter, which he still can't legally disclose because it's still owned by Papercutz. Bionicle 11: Journey's End was cancelled for the same reasons, which would have included the 2010 comics and a few new post-Journey's End stories.
Re-uploading these. Unfortunately, I don't think I won't be doing anymore. Sorry, guys Special Thanks to the Modelers of Bionicle: Next Generation! **Image is not representative of what there is currently available aka more may have been added** Each download contains: -the .PDO file (requires Pepakura Designer/Viewer to use, check the Web) -2 PDF's of the patterns, one with numbered edges and one without SUPER MEGA KANOHI PACK (everything!) KANOHI: Akaku, Great Mask of X-Ray Vision Difficulty: Easy Avohkii, Great Mask of Light Difficulty: Medium Avohkii, Movie [Miramax] Version Difficulty: Easy Calix, Great Mask of Fate Difficulty: Untested, Estimate-Hard Hau, Great Mask of Shielding Difficulty: Medium Huna [Noble] Difficulty: Easy Ignika, Legendary Mask of Life Difficulty: Hard Kakama, Great Mask of Speed LowDetailVersion Difficulty: Easy Kaukau, Great Mask of Water-Breathing Difficulty: Medium Kualsi, Great Mask of Quick-Travel Difficulty: Easy How to do the Mouthpiece:http://www.majhost.c...ry.cgi?f=239342 Miru, Great Mask of Levitation Difficulty: Medium Miru Nuva, Nuva Mask of Levitation Difficulty: Untested, estimated-INSANE Pakari, Great Mask of Strength Difficulty: Easy Vahi, Legendary Mask of Time Difficulty: Medium ARMOR: Nuva Shoulder Armor Difficulty: Easy
In the good old days on the archive boards, there seemed to be a problem with flamewars and sharp-tongued disagreements of various sorts. These days, the boards seem to have quieted down, and I think that there is less animosity in general around here yonderabouts. Do you agree with me? If so, why? Is it because BZP isn't as invested in newer Lego themes? Has more mature members? An implicit consensus that it's not worth fighting in a sinking ship? (Or a sunken ship? )Or am I merely frequenting the more pleasant parts of the board?
A while back, when there was a hacker threat, I changed my password on the archive. I'm pretty sure I know which password it was now, but I didn't yesterday when I tried to log on. I ended up getting my account locked, and I reset my password for that account as well and it won't let me in still. I'm wondering if I'm supposed to just wait longer or contact the administration to unlock it. tl;dr account locked, what do
Time to say goodbye...Precisely and coincidentally today, on September 28th 2012, it's been three years ago that work started on this project. Rarely have I ever been as dedicated and proud about a project as this one. I can still remember my enthusiasm which endured for a lot of time and was re-ignited a few months ago, when I decided to build an entirely new BOGA website. I started building a truly professional and entirely self-written website for the first time, gaining more knowledge about programming and designing websites than ever before. I used to spend hours every day working on the website and if I was already proud of the website before, I was going to be even more proud of the new one. I had lots of great things in mind for it and couldn't wait to implement them.But the times change and must change. When I started working on the website, I was 14 years old, I was in school, and BIONICLE was still running, albeit about to end. Now, three days later, I have graduated, BIONICLE is long over, and I'm going to start college in two weeks. I had reached a point in building the new website which had become tedious several weeks ago, so I decided to take a break as I had found I had lost motivation. I thought it would come back, but unfortunately it has not. In addition to that, I have had to take several important decisions for the future and to establish priorities. I'm very sorry to realize that if already in the past months it had become increasingly difficult to keep the website up-to-date and to answer to all help requests in time, it would become entirely impossible once I would be busy with college. I have always managed this website entirely on my own, but unfortunately, that stopped working months ago. It's become time for me to say goodbye to some old things and say hello to new ones.The imminent cancellation of the hosting services kindly offered by DJ Reidak's Studios have supported my decision to shut down the BOGA website and services indefinitely. Much work and time has been spent on the new website, and chances are the BOGA may return in another shape and form sometime in the future, but not anytime soon.I would like to thank everyone who downloaded from this website and supported it through its run. You are the reason this website existed, and I thank you for your support and for the opportunity. I would like to thank everybody who contributed to creating offline versions of the many great games that for most of us represent our childhood. A special thanks to DJ Reidak's Studios and BIONIFIGS who kindly translated the website to French as part of a project to translate the website to a number of languages. Due to time issues, their translation was never published, and I would like to apologize for that.The games can still be downloaded from the site until the hosting services are shut down. After that, though, they won't be re-uploaded within this project.Thank you everyone for a fantastic three-year run. Sincerely,GatanuiBOGAproject.weebly.comorBIONICLEOnlineGamesArchive.weebly.comOld version of the topic(NOTE: Logging in on the old forums will log you out of these forums in the process)
Back in the primordial days of the archive, I created this topic, which I am considering reposting, albeit vastly improved. The question is where. Digital Discussion is for official Lego digital stuff, but this isn't official, since I am making the browser themes, but the images used to create the themes are Bionicle wallpaper images released by Lego. In an effort to avoid a mess for the staff, where should I repost this topic? Can I?