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Is this thing on?
Akaku: Master of Flight posted a blog entry in The Blog which may or may not exist.
Apparently now that I'm finally a premier member, this means I now am also in possession of a Blog. So... Hello? How're you all doing? Just letting you all know now, I have no idea how to drive this thing! I'll probably post art and things once I figure this all out.... Cheers! --Akaku: Master of Flight- 8 comments
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Keeping this susinct, I moved back to Ohio for medical reasons. I had a second mental breakdown, failed to set up proper doctors at the West Coast, and I had to pack up, move and say goodbye in less than a day (which wasn't easy on two different levels). I'm going through a long and expensive process of getting a new diagnosis. I am on new meds now. Some professionals seem to think I'm bipolar. We'll see. So yeah I was reckless with my health, I was overworked and constantly making overtime, and by the end of one sour week I was jobless, homeless, and wound up working with a charity and then later transferred from two separate hospitals to a behavioral health center (which was actually probably one of the most helpful places I'd visited for me to sort things out). So yeah, kinda heavy news here. I would like to say the last thing I need right now is pity. I always felt annoyed when people just say "I'm sorry" to this sort of thing when they don't know what else to say. I know I'm guilty of that too, but some of my favorite responses have been words of wisdom, or gentle encouragement, or even from some of my closest friends just saying "I love you and I'm here for you," or something to that effect. I've been plenty scolded by nurses and a few other people in my life (with very much good advice, to their credit). So all that aside I've been reaching out to old friends in Ohio. I've been cleaning my room from adolescence and doing my best to ignore the news. It's one step at a time. I was missing my friends from the west earlier, but I realized all of those friendships and bonds were made in the past three years. I'm still in contact with a lot of friends, and I'm still in my mid twenties. I have so much longer than three years left, and if I can build myself a happy social life in three years, then well... who knows? This chapter of my life is part of the adventure. It may seem like a step backwards, but life doesn't stop, even for these kinds of events. I dunno. The glass is kinda at an equillibrium to me at this point. ~Tekulo♡
Hello, I am Dawson. I have been a huge Bionicle Fan for a long time. I wanted to make my own story with an Island of Zento-Nui. In this Island, There is no mask of light or, darkness...But Dragons, Rule the land. There was one that was good, but the other 9, Dethroned him and put hin into a stone rest... Now it is up to the Toa to fight new rahi, Discover their mask, and Defeat the 9 Dragons of Chaos! Good idea huh?
My word. It has been a while, hasn't it? I'd comment on the dust, but with everything looking so brand-spankin' new, I don't think there's any to be found. I'll probably be spending the next few weeks breaking seven-year-old habits and figuring out how everything on this new site works. That includes getting back into the BZPRPG- having done no RPing for how long now? Five months? Wow. I'm feeling quite rusty, and even a nice browse through the archives wasn't really enough to remind me of all the stuff I need to know. But I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go. I was debating whether to do a quick run-through of the last five months of my life, but of course y'all wouldn't be much interested in that, eh? I'm seventeen, whoop-de-do, let's move on. When last we left, I was changing my name using a unique and (if I say so myself) pretty darn cool method. I'll be postponing that for now, as I kinda want to keep my regular name kickin' around until we all get settled in. Finally, a huge round of applause to Six, Bink, Dimensioneer, and the rest of our staff for an incredible new forum! It's really looking fantastic, and I can hardly wait to start posting! Oh, one more thing- seeing as I haven't talked with anyone here for five months, how's everybody doing? How was life without BZP? Leave a comment telling me what you did while the forums were down!