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What's The Best Deal That You Can Get On A Bunch Of Bionicle Piece


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I've been wondering for a wile where i would get a lot of pieces and rare masks so i want to know what's the way that works best for you.Also this is where you can tell funny stories about a deal you got (if there are any). The only thing i EVER bought was a bunch of rare mask pack masks for 15.00 plus shipping, witch were: :hau: in white :kakama: in blue :pakari: in red :akaku: in black

naccu_dancing_gif_by_larnuu-d51e6u5.gifNacuu's Slow Dance!!naccu_dancing_gif_by_larnuu-d51e6u5.gif
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Well, maybe you can ask a friend or somebody else, if he has some BIONICLE's that he don't want anymore.It works by me. One day on my birthday, I've got a whole collection of the Turaga, the Bohrok Va, and a lot of Krana! One of my best deals was when I've got the Power Pack on a dutch Marktplace, for only €10,00 (about $14).Or when I've got all the Rahi from 2001 from internet, for €50,00 (about $69,00). It's a little bit expensive, but i've got all the Rahi from 2001 (except the Manas), and the complete Boxor set for free, and a bunch of Pieces, Krana, Kraata, and Kanohi Masks! (also a Golden Hau, and a White Ruru misprint!)


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eBay can be an absolute goldmine here. I once bought a large job lot of Kanohi for about $15 (roughly; I'm British, so I use £), which included:

  • [*]Silver Kakama[*]White Kakama[*]Gold Hau[*]Gold Akaku[*]Black Kraahkan[*]Gold Kraahkan[*]2x Movie Kraahkan[*]Gold Avohkii[*]4x Sparkly Avohkii[*]Silver Avohkii[*]Orange Noble Ruru[*]Dark grey Noble Matatu[*]Trans Black Kaukau[*]White Miru Nuva[*]Black Akaku Nuva[*]Blue Hau[*]Light blue Noble Huna[*]Gunmetal Ignika/Vezon face[*]Loads of other Kanohi from sets, many of which were duplicated, with as many as six of one type.

Needless to say, that was a pretty lucky find, but there's always something there. I keep my eyes open. You got ripped off on your mask packs, btw. I buy them from Amazon for £5.00 each - which is still a bit expensive.





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eBay, and thrift shops.


Why are orange and black such a good color Combination ? Purple is pretty, and so is blue. Pink hurts your eyes, green is quite mellowing, black is very threatning, red is cool, orange is SO awesome, yellow's hard to read... But you can't see white at all! Oh, wait. I forgot brown.


Here's my thoughts: If a person tells the truth and says, " I always lie," Is he lying? Or is he telling the truth? And what has a mouth, but no head, and a body, but no torso? Do caterpillars like to tend to supporting colum of stone's every need? Or is that name misleading by nature? Speaking of nature, why are the children of animals called offspring? don't many young beasts come alive in spring, and thus, should be called onspring? Heeeeeeyy..... I got the first post on a page for the first time. Who knows; it may happen again. What the... It did happen again... and again...



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@ Ghosthands: actually, it was the best deal at the time to get a white Hau that wasn't $20.00 BTW, I didn't know amazon had a mask collection.

It might not in America. They're sold through a British retailer (I think it's called Timeless Toys and Collectibles) and they sell:
  • [*]Original mask packs[*]Krana packs (with silver and gold Kanohi)[*]Possibly sometimes Kanohi Nuva packs; never seen any[*]Kraata canisters

I've also bought a Zamor pack from someone else on Amazon, and I've seen Kanoka around too. You might be able to pick them up if you go to the .co.uk site, but I imagine the shipping might be a problem.





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I've tried the yard/garage sale bit before, no such luck.I did get a huge - and I mean huge - bag of parts from a vendor at BrickFair '11 for eleven dollars. (They were all hand-picked too.) I didn't figure out its real worth, but it had to have been a lot more.That's what happens when you hang around large BIONICLE tubs with Thylon for two hours. (I'm convinced that the people who ran that vendor just wanted to get rid of us. :P)

Edited by Sumiki

avatar by Lady Kopaka


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the same mask pack you got, which is just about the only rare thing I have. I can't remember the price, but I remember it was worth it.

My friend has come old Bionicle. He doesn't realize how special a Movie Edition Kraahkan is. He is gullible. Score!

Wouldn't that be called taking advantage? :P Edited by Peach 00

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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ebay is the answwerebay has done so much for my collectionebay has the best bargainsoh an also garage sails

"Only the insane equate pain with success.

Only the savage regard endurance of pain as a measure of worth.

Only the foolish consider pain to be just wages for being different".- The Cheshire Cat (American McGee's Alice/Alice:Madness Returns)

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My experience with eBay is that the lower priced things are all bids that are closely watched by 'bid snipers', people who will wait until literally the last couple seconds of an auction to bid, have extremely overpriced shipping compared to the relatively low cost of the set (e.g.: Getting a Toa Mata for $5 only to find out it has $30 shipping), and usually both. If you're going to go the eBay route, look for Buy It Now products; generally those are relatively cheap, depending on where you look, and some even have fast shipping, free shipping, or both. Other than that, look on other auction/barter sites. Usually people will post them on there and put them up for cheap, thinking not many people will be very interested. Same thing with garage sales, especially if they have a plethora of complete sets. Another thing that's worked out for me is simply talking to friends. Usually I will be able to get sets for free from my friends just for going over, rummaging through their tens of thousands of parts, and constructing a complete set. It doesn't always work, but friends who are selling BIONICLE sets have a personal relationship with you and are probably a little more likely to be lenient on pricing.

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