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Character limit?


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There's no character limit, but there is a filesize limit. Quote from Black Six in an earlier thread about it:


The site doesn't care about how many words or characters you have, it cares about overall filesize. This includes all the characters you see, as well as all of the formatting and BBCode, and some things you can't see like line-breaks. So 60,000 characters with no formatting can take up the same amount of space as 30,000 characters with different fonts, links, banners, etc.



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There's no character limit, but there is a filesize limit. Quote from Black Six in an earlier thread about it:


The site doesn't care about how many words or characters you have, it cares about overall filesize. This includes all the characters you see, as well as all of the formatting and BBCode, and some things you can't see like line-breaks. So 60,000 characters with no formatting can take up the same amount of space as 30,000 characters with different fonts, links, banners, etc.


Thanks for digging that up! Does that answer your question, Champion of Kaon?
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That leaves me wondering what the file size limit is for posts. Is there any way to know what the file size of one's post is, and what the limit on bzpower is for them?

There's no easy way to figure out how big your post is, since Invision does some translation stuff behind the scenes, especially if you're using the Rich Text Editor.

The limit is 2,500 kilobytes.

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Well there is something going on apparently, I just posted a topic in storyline and theories, and a portion of my text doesnt show up. it can all be seen in the editor but as soon as i use save changes for the umpteenth time, the same lines of text remains missing or not visible. My topic is here and the behaviour looks similar to a character limit where the text gets cut off without explanation.




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Well there is something going on apparently, I just posted a topic in storyline and theories, and a portion of my text doesnt show up. it can all be seen in the editor but as soon as i use save changes for the umpteenth time, the same lines of text remains missing or not visible. My topic is here and the behaviour looks similar to a character limit where the text gets cut off without explanation.



That's an unrelated issue.  In this case it's the URL tags that are messing it up.  It's happened at least once before, and it has to do with the fact that you have a space at the end of the url in the tag:

[url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia ]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

It should be like this:

[url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

The board software doesn't like when you do that, so it eats the rest of your post as a protest.

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[url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia ]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

It should be like this:

[url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

The board software doesn't like when you do that, so it eats the rest of your post as a protest.


Really :huh:  i didn't know we had moody software with a personality :P

Edited by necross hordika



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